Musketeer Aiming

A quick question about aiming as a musketeer — I know our orbs have a slight splash radius, do any veteran musk users have a preference for aiming at the feet or at the body of your target? I feel like the feet has a larger margin of error, but that being said I feel like the body can be easier for lining up your shots.

I prefer to aim at the body, having to judge angle at a distance can be difficult. If you’re shooting your tank, even if you’re off slightly, the orb will hit the enemy and splash onto the tank.
I also sit to play and keep my controller rested so that my shots are parallel to the ground, I just have to line up the shot.

@decoy i sit as well, agreed about it helping when lining up shots – while sitting I also find it easier to load orbs into the barrel without changing the angle of the gun. After experimenting yesterday, i found it slightly easier to aim for the ground below your target while standing (due to the additional height), but not sure its worth the tradeoff – also i’m lazy : P

Guess it depends on the distance, I just have difficulty choosing the angle over a fair distance. I only use ground aiming when I need to hit myself in the process of which I shoot my own feet.
Useful for things like sentry, I always hated the idea of the tank having to go shield targets from the tank buster so I used to go stand next to his target with a shield loaded and watch for the animation myself. Allowing the tank to continue to provoke and focus on his own thing. This won’t work in shard dungeons though, the damage is too significant.

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