Musketeers Starting Orbs

This could apply to all classes and is really for later when the game is out of early access.

I know this has been touched on but I wanted to add my voice to an issue with musketeer as an example as it is my preferred class.

I think musketeers should start with a heal and a damage orb, or maybe one other. The remaining orbs should be quested for or gained as you level up. Part of the excitement about RPGs is gaining experience and new abilities. Starting with a ton of orbs seemed excessive and lacked the magic feeling of acquiring new abilities as I leveled. Also, I think quests should grant some gear as rewards instead of mostly just looting gear.

Sorry if this is a rehash as I am relatively new (level 7 musketeer).

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Kind of have to agree. Having a few quests from an archer trainer or musketeer master to unlock some orbs or arrows around level 4-8 might feel better.

That of course leaves poor warriors out of the low level progression treadmill.

lvl 2 -shield bash, 4 - charge, 8 - horn.

I have high hopes about talents, that could bring that sense of progression.

Since this game is supposed to be actual skill based and not locked away behind icons, I love that the only thing limiting you, is you. Locking your class abilities behind level progression seems odd in a skill based MMO.

If we start “WOWing” the game I want a party hud with icons I can click on to heal you and have my shots auto-aim and 100% hit you.

Personally I like how it is now, your ‘skills’ are locked only behind your ability to remember and perform spells/combos. Musketeers and archers are very similar in my mind, you still have to aim and hit your targets as well as determine which orbs/arrows would be best equipped before a situation begins.

If I remember this right, a talent tree in future might not lock skills away, but instead allow us to customize our own play style. That sounds much better to me, rather than limiting what I can do, let me enhance what I enjoy doing.


there’s no secret that i think all classes need to locate their abilities during the game. warriors need more combos and need to find trainers in camps, towns and the city. possibly even earning their training

rangers need to find hunters wandering the regions and earn their arrows

musketeers need to collect their orbs from the world

rune mages need to record their skills to fully activate them

i also believe musketeer is too simple in terms of gameplay. but until this “talent” system gets explained i have no way of commenting. i’d like to see musketeer using orbs in combination to expand the capabilities

edit: i also believe that quests shouldn’t reward exp.

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I think mages and warriors should have al their skills but musketeers and archers should get their skills differently. mage and warrior are only two classses whos skills are locked by “skill”

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