Need More Apprentice Smiths

Hi, we had a world boss party in Tradu and we need an apprentice smith in the mines. Can we have an apprentice smith near the entrance of the Tradu mines? Everyone who had broken gear had to teleport to guild city. This happened after every world boss kill. Others couldn’t repair during the fight and just decided to leave. A lot of people were getting frustrated.

Can we also have an apprentice smith near lucian plains wilds too? The apprentice smith is too far.

There should actually be an apprentice smith near every graveyard.

We would highly appreciate it if you can fix it. @Mathieu_D


Yeah this certainly was an issue now you can no longer get your last bit of durability back from a new grave and people dieing from the debuff or boss jumping to them on the way back in before getting their grave back

Another option would be to have a useable item that you can deploy with a long cool down that can be placed down in an area and everyone can use it to repair from (maybe increased cost)

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