New Beta Available for Testing

There will be a new Beta build available today when the new patch goes live which has all the new content (such as gear dyes), as well as some beta-specific stuff:

  • Fixed an issue which was causing random fire to appear on things in the world.
  • The Rainforest pyramid should be back.
  • There is a new Warrior hit detection system active in the Beta build.

New Warrior Hit Detection System

We’ve re-worked the Warrior hit detection system based on feedback from the last attempt. Essentially, there is still a hidden “hit tracker” for each enemy, but now its size is divorced from the size of the creature, so even on very large mobs such as bosses you don’t have to swing massively large swings to enter/exit the collider. It also works well inside large colliders as well.

The practical result of this is that it should basically feel about the same fighting a giant boss as it does fighting a regular sized mob, combo detection should work much better, and you no longer have to swing nearly as hard or as fast to get a hit to register, although you do still get a bonus for making large swings (so “waggling to win” is still not a good option).

I’m interested to hear feedback on this but it seems like a much more reliable system based on our own internal testing.
