New legendary transmogs seem off

I’m also unimpressed by the legendarys. just makes me want the old transmogs more.

The Bow looks different but not to most peoples taste. the Bard mallets look the same as i think the leveling or shard mallet but with a different handle but nothing special. Shaman has nothing :expressionless:. Warrior and paladin i believe is just the base with wings attached if I’m looking at the right ones? Thinking about it are they just the base models with some white wings at the bottom?

I appreciate all the work it takes but please go back to the drawing board with these current legendarys. Add more colour and uniqueness to each weapon with the class in mind. (e.g. wand has colourful magic gems and the bard has music inspired mallets - maybe maracas?)

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In my opinion all of my musky weapons have looked the same thus far. Making unique looking weapons and armor too would be great

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All of the legendaries look distinctly un-legendary. They look fine as normal weapon models, but when i hear legendary i think there is going to be something that really sets it apart from the other weapons (i know there is another affix) Even just allowing players to dye (primary and accent) on legendaries would go a long way.

Or were you specifically going for an Indiana Jones, holy grail vibe?


There seems to be a lot of things that looks odd in the game. Not just weapons but mounts also. The hoverboard thing and magic carpet are okay I guess since we can’t get regular horses/wolves/giant boars that we usually see in fantasy games… But a cauldron? That’s just weird and nonsense, why would anyone use a cauldron to move around it just looks like they ran out of ideas.

Same goes with the scoundrel class using a six shooter style pistol in a medieval setting where people are also using muskets and swords/hammers…

I know this is pure fantasy and pretty much everything is allowed but it still has to be coherent otherwise the game just ends up looking weird as more and more items are being added.

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That is preference. Having a cauldron as mount is not something bad. Just something you don’t like seeing but some others do.

The fact that some ppl started complain about things not being coherent was part of why we got in the mess off all mobs looking boring (not the full reason though).

The legendary weapons are uniformly disliked though. At-least that was the purpose of this thread finding out if they are uniformly disliked or not.

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Definitely disliked.

Something every game should have and every game should use is an ever increasing “coolness” factor for gear ups. Fine if they want to use two styles for leveling content, but after that every higher bit of gear, weapons armor, or otherwise, should be cooler than the last one.

Ideas to add coolness:

  • Add designs. People like designs, especially if they can be dyed. Maybe use runes for them. Maybe just do a celtic look or something.
  • Add spikes. People love spikes. The more spikes the cooler it is (obviously to a point :wink: but that point may be up for debate).
  • Add weapons on armor pieces. Even if they’re not functional, you can make even an ordinary item look cooler with a dagger or pistol or something on it.
  • Most importantly, you can use animal motifs (part of the design thing), but generally just using anything that could be found in a caveman’s repertoire is not good (unless you’re going for themed content and even then people are not likely to use it)

also while all the weapons share the common theme of wings, there is no reason for that theme. non of the enemies ingame even have wings, so where are they coming from?


I was saying in voice chat yesterday that the legendary weapons would look far better if they had some sort of arcane theme to them like the legendary arcane mount, now that thing looks awesome


Red bull, the apparent drink of choice of the dev team :wink:


We also have wings shoulders drop from overworld drops. And to be honest almost no item that drops makes sense in the game.

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Except bloody flesh.

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Just touching on the cauldron mount - I believe that mount is inspired by the Baba Yaga stories. In most versions, she flies around in a giant mortar and pestle. In other versions, I believe it is a cauldron. You can’t get much more fantastical than that! She was one weird lady! :upside_down_face:

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I think the cauldron is a more modern americanized thing, old baba yaga was all about the izbushka. American witches are all about that cauldron though, so it isn’t beyond the realm of possibility that cauldrons are enchanted to fly when the witch just wants a relaxing flight without having to balance atop a broom.

Legendary bow is super duper ugly

Spent 400 dram to transmog my +4 shaman mask to the awesome legendary mask, best money ever spent. It’s like the emperors new clothes trust me when I say it’s there.


Hahahaha soooo true

I like all the new wand styles (besides the starter wand and the legendary), but I honestly think that all the old weapon transmogs should be brought back. I always loved using the beginners wand in old orbus, but sometimes I would switch around and use different ones. The thing that I really liked about them was that they all felt different. I could switch to the beginners wand after playing with the crystal wand for a week and it was a completely different casting experience. In reborn all the wands feel the same, which makes it kind of boring when you get a new weapon. I don’t know anything about code, 3D design, or unity, but if the dev team found a way to bring back the old orbus weapons I know it would make people happy.

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Ya exactly, I miss almost all the old styles gear and weapons, in reborn it’s just soo damn boring

Ya the armour and weapons itself aren’t that horrible but they are just completely disconnected from rarity in their design and also how they are obtained… Any of the beginner weapons and the legendaries just all look and are obtainable on almost the same lvl. Which is just way too boring.

If this was an alternative to prevent beginner ppl complaining they didn’t see much variety in gear then that all was because it took till lvl 12 for second style stuff to show up. Which was just too late in the game back then. (Probably not now)

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