New Patch: 2.16

There’s a new patch out on both the client and server. Just restart your Launcher to get it. All the details are on the Patch Notes:

I believe that this is the last “major” patch we will be putting out before the end of the Beta, barring any major new bugs being discovered.

Alternate download:


In addition, the Code of Conduct which you will need to agree to when playing the game is now available for review. It is very straightforward and I don’t anticipate any issues based on how great the community has been thus far, but as new players join us we want to make sure that the environment of OrbusVR remains positive, friendly, and safe for all players.


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maybe just my opinion, but i though fireball 2 is pretty easy. Its fireball 3 that i have the hardest time with.

great patch!

This patch notes sound really nice! Great job!

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