Hi all – I’m a new warrior (lvl 8) with previous mmo experience (10 yrs of wow on a prot warrior); and thought I’d provide my overall thoughts/impressions/suggestions after a few weeks of questing with my husband (musketeer) and finishing my first dungeon.
Game atmosphere/story/mmo ‘feel’ - Love it! As a new player, my only major issue early on was the lack of clarity on quest giving. Specifically: my husband and I turned in an early chef quest without realizing the chef had another quest that continued the main storyline. Since the chef is located inside a house, we never saw his quest marker and eventually found ourselves devoid of quest content until we googled and realized the situation.
Warrior “feel” – Engaging and great exercise! Basic suggestions/feedback:
Provide more visual feedback for (i) where you are mid-combo, and (ii) when you’ve completed a combo. It’s not hard to do combos on a training dummy, but when you’re engaging a bunch of mobs, and are a bit frazzled, you can lose track of where you are or swipe in a way that registers differently than you expect. Also - if a mob dies and you move onto another mob-- you may forget where you were in the prior combo. Having some system (in the air, or on your shield) demonstrating where you are mid-combo would be extremely helpful!
Easier way to attack moving mobs. The first time I experienced this problem was running after the wolves attacking the whiskey cart. Ranged players can cast at them just fine, but as a warrior I spent all my time teleporting to a wolf, and as soon as I got there, he’d already be out of range again. To a lesser extent, this is also a problem in a dungeon when mobs run after ranged players who, in turn, run away from me instead of (properly) towards me.
Clearer/more consistent hitboxes. Others have mentioned this as well, but I agree that these are not always easy to determine or adjust to. I’ve gotten a lot better at making use of my room space to navigate hitboxes when I’m too close or far away from a mob, and I appreciate that every mob is a bit of a puzzle to solve. However, some mobs feel unusually clunky. Example: There’s a mob in the early-ish zone that has a really long tongue. If I stand back far enough to block the huge tongue, I’m too far away to attack the mob itself. If I get close enough to hit the mob, the tongue goes right through me (and through my shield). In other cases, it just seems like the hitbox is not intuitively easy to determine (the last boss in the first dungeon is huge, but seems to require the tank to be unusually close to hit him).
Threat bars. It’d be great to have some kind of threat indicator over mobs to say how you’re doing with threat on them.
Ranged pull like heroic throw OR ability to mark mobs I’ve seen some people suggest a ranged attack for warriors and I’m of mixed minds about it. I personally would like it, and yet, I think the reliance on other players (and complementing other classes) is actually what the game is about. Having to verbally tell other group members to ‘pull the guy on the left’ is probably more interesting than just doing it myself. Even if I kind of want that control… Alternative suggestion: maybe implement some VR way for a tank to mark mobs? (E.g., change out your harvesting tool for an icon that you can shoot over a mob’s head with the trigger?)
More combos please!
Lvl 8 dungeon feel:
Overall: The level 8 dungeon felt perfectly tuned as a leveling dungeon with a group of 5 players at levels 7 & 8. I felt overwhelmed by some of the pulls that had a gazillion mobs (e.g., 6-7 drakes) and am not quite sure that even with perfect play I’d be able to handle something like that. Horn gets their attention, but it has a long cooldown and doesn’t last long enough to provoke each of them. I suspect that ideal group play would require asking dps to only focus a single mob, but that seems a bit complex for an initial dungeon. Still, it was fine… and honestly, extremely exciting and engaging and sweaty. I was running all around my space and lunging and swiping like crazy. Awesome!
Bosses-- This dungeon’s bosses felt a bit lackluster compared to some of the crazy packs of mobs. Still, I liked the boss where you had to move him under the stalactites (fun kiting mechanic). The first miniboss was a bland tank & spank, which is fine for a first boss, but it highlighted how the warrior ‘rotation’ is a bit bland itself on a longer, single target fight. Taunt and wound. If warriors had some kind of utility/tanky combo (like demo shout in wow to reduce the boss’s dmg), that would be something ‘interesting’ to weave in.
I would have to agree on most of these points. One suggestion I’d add to your combo indicator is that combos should reset after a set time. If you perform half of a Provoke combo and finish the fight, you can start another fight 5-minutes later and be wondering why your Cleave isn’t working.
In addition, the shield only repairs itself if it breaks or if the fight ends. If you are in a long fight and your shield is damaged it will stay that way forever until one of the previous conditions are met, even if it doesn’t take damage for a long time. I don’t feel it should be encouraged to go around breaking your own shield in order to fix it. Just seems a bit backwards to me.
Oh, idk, managing my shield health is part of the strategy. I like it as-is, makes timing ults and broken shields on boss fights pretty interesting. I need that mini game.
Wait, you can sit in mid combo after a fight and it’ll stick like that? I was wondering why some times I was having issues pulling moves off when I felt like I was executing them as normal from time to time. Is there a good way to hard reset your combo then?
One way, if you aren’t sure what your last swing was, is to open with your first slash twice. It will either finish a previous combo or start a new one fresh. Only costs one extra swing and resets the combo in a weird sort of way.
since warrior is the tank, we need to discuss making it more tanky
-a threat bar only for the tank would be nice
-mobs hit boxes are bigger for warrior when he sword charges?
-make a “shield throw” a treat gain ability?
-being able to grab/grapple or slow a mob(in range) with shield hand for a certain amount of seconds so you can pull off a voke/hamstring
-warrior super ability needs more than just instant shield regain
I would kill for some kind of skill that helps you stick to a slow moving mob to have time to pull off a full hamstring provoke combo. Sword rush shield bash is fine until you miss/dsync through the awkward/inconsistent hitboxes by one pixel and end up having to spend way longer on that one trash mob.
I have to say, if they can add combo visual indicators like → ^ ← so that you know where your combo is and if its about to break because the game or hitbox screws it up instead of you…that would be swell.
Plus I would like a way to “break” combo because right now if for some reason your combo breaks, it can be frustrating to finish completing the combo with another skill than the one you were trying to pull off. Heck it might be something as simple as pulling the shield trigger by itself for example.
The reason I would like an active reset is because waiting for the combo to “reset” on its own is not good for someone who needs to be generating max aggro.
Agree with all those asking for a combo reset. I’ve tried opening with my first slash twice in a row to reset, but if I’m not careful, that too easily registers as left - right - left instead of left - left. (since you necessarily need to go right to go left again…)
Hey Spyro, I agree with a lot of the points you are making. I did want to make note on the Warriors Ult. In addition to it recharging the shield, it also provides an armor increase. This is something that I was utilizing on Sanyeal for the first time and it was producing noticeable defense. I would love to know what % of armor is added though.
I was just getting ready to write a suggestion about having better feedback about the progress and execution of the combo, and I found this post. The original post was perfect, I completely agree with the suggestions. Another thought I had is that it would be cool if there was some sort of tiered sword arc graphic indicating the strength of your blow… or maybe a tiered sound effect. That would also help you know if you are hitting more than one mob or what. In the current system, if you are being attacked by two mobs, and your blows are hitting both, to which of them does your special attack apply? It might be nice to see the successful blow/direction indicated above the head of the mob in a string of characters so that you could see that you are building the combo correctly; if there are two mobs attacking but only one of them has the first two correct swings for a combo, you could know to make sure that mob is hit with the third (and fourth) swing, etc.