Noob friendly Fellowships?

in world pvp, gear and levels take affect, so i wouldnt recommend turning it on. But queued pvp everyone is equal.

Bro, if you die one time you will lose all of your stuff that is tradeable unless it is on your person. If you get back to the spot where you died before somelse finds it, you will get it all back. If another player is there they will most likely take it. I have never taken loot from a player I killed; never. I have always left it. But then again that just goes to show the difference in the kinds of people you have that play this game. There are some that will leave your stuff. There are others that will hunt you down and take it as fast as they can. It doesnt matter if it is a player or a mob, you die in PvP, your loot drops (all of it that is tradeable and not soul bound).

If you ever see me in game, I’m more than willing to help ya out and answer questions!

With pvp toggled on you get extra XP and some gathering nodes only show up for pvp players. You drop all droppable items on death regardless of level. Don’t be surprised if you get killed without seeing the other person. If you’re not paying attention, someone can easily prep their wand with a spell, gun with a nuke combo, charged piercing arrow, etc. and knock you down to almost dead instantly. Things you won’t drop: Gear and reward chests. Things you will drop: All gatherables, shards (Minor, major, etc), dragons (if they’re unequip), runemage reagents, potions, dyes, more.

If you want to toggle on, prepare to die at any moment. Don’t open reward caches outside of highesteppe. Some players will follow you to the graveyard when you spawn and camp you so you can’t get back to your grave. If you can’t get back to your grave, you take a lot of gear durability and you’ll need to repair it. Repair costs are really cheap. More of an inconvenience. If you’re ever grave camped, use your home teleport cookie to port back to your house in highsteppe. General advice: Travel with a group

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One thought I’d like to add: everything stated in this thread is subjective; what one person considers friendly another might consider to be cliquish. I suggest you take your time get to know people around Highsteppe and just enjoy the game.

OrbusVR is microcosm of RL society…try not to take anything too seriously

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Awesome, thanks guys. And I do appreciate the warnings @ocuLUST but again I come from one of the OG harshest PvP servers in gaming, if you don’t know what the Darktide server was. Dropping my loot or being ganked does not scare me off. It makes me want to learn the game even more and hit lvl 30!


Zino is always recruiting any level players. If they aren’t 30 we help them level up, and then once 3 (or already are) we take them first on shards, then raids, then higher shards. If you wanna join just let me know.

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I don’t know if it been mentioned, but the pre-30 phase is really really short. If you play every evening you be there in 2 weeks or less.
Even the guilds which do “take” players not 30 yet can’t really help you leveling; only a fraction of quests requires a group, hop from event to event, do all the critter hunting and salvaging missions too which are doable and you are 30 in no time.

Then, on the other hand, you can only level alt classes and have nothing much to do in the game and basically have to group up to get higher gear and go for progress etc. Hence the many fellowships which organize their evenings around dungeons and raids, solely or mainly.
It can’t hurt joining before 30 tho, if possible, since there’s often helpful resources and tipps at least on the guild’s discords. Gl and I hope you find a good fellowship soon!

PS: I leveled all classes to 30, mostly alone… waiting for others to do get all their quest stuff done is rather a hindrance imo. If it’s not pure event-hoping (once quests are out people do that to get further), this can be more fun with a friend, but again, some events get even harder and lengthier if there’s too many players doing them.

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That’s one thing I wasn’t sure of, how long it takes to hit 30. Weeks or months. I got to 6 yesterday fairly quickly but I figured once you start gaining levels, the amount needed to level again goes up. Or is each level just the same static amount of XP?

@ocuLUST here’s some history for ya, you should know how and where modern, cutthroat PvP began :wink:

Yes it goes up, but not really much. You can level 20-30 in a day, easily, I did one class in a saturday.

World PvP is scaled like most PvE enemies are, meaning that if you get in a PvP fight, you will be scaled such that other players are no more than 6 levels higher or lower than you (I think its 6 at least, might be 4).
In your example, your damage and health would be scaled up to that of a level 24 if you fought a level 30.

@Aerbax i recommend try a fellowship thats meets your play time and peak your interest trail and error you mit find the right fellowship for you :kissing_closed_eyes:

Here’s talking in general. Not just this post

I joined Karma and have met several really nice people so far, thanks for the suggestions!


you can join the Crimson Explorers we have a few members and were always looking for more

I would suggest “luna nerva” its a rather small guild but most of the members are lower then 30 sadly itf currently full so just send the leader a privet message the leader nete plays around 9-12 pm uk time zone he will help out new players and if they want to join he will add the player to a list and will privet message when a spot opens he sometimes
cant speak so he uses messages to comunicate to find more about fellowship search for it in amoury

how the hell was this revived??? ITS BEEN 3 YEARS


Yeah beats me

What do you nean the game or felloship

This thread lol. Usually they self close after so much time, but this one was made before those times