Orbus not loading?

orbus is not loading up for some reason

Same here black screen when I go to log in

Same here. Try to login and goes to blank screen.

Same… Is there anything we can do? Was about to complete an 8 shard :frowning: definitely not going to now…

Same here black screen on load in

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Some bro, can’t go in. Only black screen and I can only hear my menu open that’s it.(fix your game devs)

I have this same issue.

We had this few weeks back, too.

How long did this take to fix?

Like 30min to 1hr, I think

We need to wait for the devs to wake up. Then they can fix it with a server restart :confused:


Oh! I thought it was just me!! :crazy_face:
Thanks guys!

Is anyone here still unable to login? It looks like things are stable right now

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Seems fine now.

I have been having this issue as well. More lately. Last weekend was terrible. I was locked out six or seven times at intervals over the weekend.

There needs to be an alarm or something to tell the system administrator to reset the server. This game is busy 24/7 with players frome every time zone. With the game getting more popular every day, lockout is not a good thing to have.

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Some sort of alert when the server starts misbehaving going to the right person would be great. Not sure how easy it is to set up though.

Today’s instance was very unfortunate timing, as it was middle of the night for the team. We’ll investigate what happened, we had a promising fix attempt early last week which did seem to help for the entire rest of the week and weekend, so we’ll see if there’s anything else that might have contributed.


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