Earlier today Valve released a major update to SteamPlay on Linux, allowing access to all of your Steam Library on Linux (Theoretically anyways, you need to check a checkbox in settings to allow non-verified games to be installed/run). I decided to give Orbus a go on Linux & see how things look, since I’ve been hoping for a Linux version of Orbus for ages & some of this stuff may help uncover bugs that cause issues on Windows at the least…
The game loads fine, though there are major framerate issues, even at the login screen. Windows will run fine at Ultra on this computer, Here I needed to be on Low.
Player hands, NPCs & mobs don’t render. Only rings on hands & most npc eyes render. Framerate dips even further when NPCs are around. The lack of hands can make navigating menus … interesting. Menus still work as expected, it just takes a bit of work to figure out exactly where your finger is pointing.
Note, you can still fight & kill monsters, it’s just a bit harder to gauge where the monster may actually be standing.
Players do render, aside from hands. Weapons & Tools render properly. Voice communication with other players works as well.
All in all, it feels very promising, though it would need a bit of work. Something seems wonky with mob & hand rendering, which could possibly contribute to framerate drops in the raids. I’m probably going to stick to playing Orbus in Windows, at least for now, but it would be nice to see Linux support in the future.