OrbusVR on the Oculus Home Store

I wanted to make a quick general announcement to let everyone know that it looks like we should be approved within the next 2 weeks to be able to sell OrbusVR on the Oculus Home store. It will sell for the same price as the Steam version.

Just throwing that out there in case there are folks who have been holding off on buying it on Steam because they want it on the Oculus Store instead. We should have an exact date by the end of the week.

Note that if you already bought it on Steam, the version on the Oculus Store will be the same one minus the SteamVR support. And just in case anyone is curious, we cannot offer Oculus Store keys if you bought it on Steam, you would need to buy it on the Oculus Store as well if you want it on both.



Will the Oculus store version have improved Rift Core 2.0 support with regard to the Dash function? i.e. when bringing up the dashboard with the Oculus button, does it overlay into Orbus, or take you to a white screen like the Steam version?

There’s no difference in regards to that. Eventually we will hopefully add better Dash support, but when we do the Steam and Oculus Store versions will be exactly the same in that regard.

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Congratulations on the approval guys! Hopefully this means we’ll see another surge in new players soon.


will it have home interactions and oculus achievements? because i like collecting knick knacks for my house and displaying my achievements on the wall

edit: like a fireworks wand.

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It has basic achievements right now (just the 2D icons like the Steam version). We are planning to look into adding some 3D achievements/trophies for both Home and SteamVR in the near future hopefully. It’s honestly just a case of I haven’t had time to sit down and look at how to do it yet. But I’d really like to because I think that would be really neat.


I assume i will be able to login to both versions with my existing OrbusVR account? Or do i have to start over if i were to switch?

Yes it’s the same account.

I really want to congratulate you guys! For the past weeks since Christmas, I’ve been checking for updates on the Oculus Store front approval. Now I am one of the backers from the beta testing but at the time we didn’t have a a second VR Setup for my wife to get her an account. I picked her up a VR rig and headset for Christmas and we’ve been impatiently waiting for this good news.

She’s super excited to get into the Orbus world with me and master her RUNEMAGE skills.

I think I’m going to buy it on the Oculus store partially just to support the game but also because in my experience steam VR messes up sometimes (when I’m using my rift).

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