Oscar's Hidden Note still in inventory

I did the library dungeon twice and got 2 “Oscar’s hidden note” quest items. After I finished that part of the main questline, I ended up with an extra “Oscar’s hidden note” that I cannot destroy or throw away. Is there a way to take this out of my inventory? If a dev is reading this, please take it out for me. My character name is “Omni”

I had a duplicate of the quest item “Oscar’s hidden note” and after I completed the quest, the duplicate stayed in my inventory… I cannot delete it and the character that still has it is “Omni”

I’ll add this to our bug tracking system and see what we can do to get it taken care of for you. In the mean time you can just drop it in your house storage. Thanks for reporting!

Thank you very much!

Just for kicks Omni, try putting it in your storage chest, and destroying it from there.

Still no option. thanks for the suggestion though

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