Paladin reworking

the point of the waiting for pips is so your not doing a lot of dps because doing high dps isn’t your job its the dps job the tanks job is to soak up all the damage so the damage dealers dont die

We’re not against changes to the game; just look at my multitude of changes I’ve suggested myself lol. What you’re pushing for is a change to the fundamental way Paladin is built. The class is about resource management. That’s one of the most important things you need to learn as a Paladin. It’s about saving resources and using them at the right time. If you look at the end-game Paladins you’ll see that there’s really no complaints about the way the class is built. Once you get to end game content it’ll make more sense :slight_smile: Just remember that, as a tank, your job is not to deal damage, but rather to soak it. And in that regard, the Paladin does wonderful.

Again…I’m NOT concerned about dps here. It’s about the flow of combat. Id rather do less dps overall if I didnt have to waggle/wait, waggle/wait. Waiting for pips is the problem. And if resource management is the point, then the class misses the mark because it doesnt feel like this is what I’m doing at all. If it only makes sense at end-game content, and not from levels 1-30, it needs to be reworked.

heres an idea and what i did instead of just wiggling your hammer and then waiting do really cool tricks as your fighting like your in some action movie by the time you got your hits in you can put it up and get two more because the cool down is over (works best if you pretend your in slow motion)


Stone I love you bro​:joy::joy:


If you pretend the hammer has weight when facing enemies in the overworld the rhythm of pips makes sense.

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The main issue you have fundamentaly is the classes damage output being burst over sustained. The big thing is that if you want to have less problems with pips on lower content you need to take more damage aka get naked. This causes you to take more damage and to get pips in return. Alternatively you can just pull more enemies at a time with armor on to get the same result. The big thing is just knowing the limit of what you can do.

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I disagree

Almost every class in the game is balanced in terms of dungeon style content. All of the classes feel kind of awkward when you are trying to solo in the wild and when the enemies aren’t challenging you. I will admit that this does highlight one of many flaws in terms of orbus early game but addressing that beast would require a whole separate forum post. Every class in the game has this problem and reworking them to better fit solo play would completely ruin the part of orbus everyone loves: its focus on team play and team based content.

To put it simply

  1. if you want to hit things a lot play warrior. Paladins ability to disengage from combat and kite is part of their identity.
  2. at high levels paladins not only dont have that problem but actually get more pips than their would like. Its very easy for paladins in higher level dungeons to accidentally spike to 5 pips and die.
  3. Paladins don’t just sit there waiting for pips in higher level content because it is one of the most mechanic dense classes in the game and you are constantly managing resources and cooldowns. You have books, a shield, teleportation, hammer throw and stun, aoe slam, and at lvl 30 a secondary shield in addition to complexity added by the fact that everything is attacking you.
  4. increasing base pip generation would make parts of the paladin kit that are already kind of a problem for being too strong even better. More pips means more stun lock from the hammer throw and Paladin’s already ridiculous mobility from their hammer throw would get even better.
  5. While I do think paladin is in need of some adjustments, it needs nerfs not buffs. Paladin has a crazy amount of survivability and their only draw back that keeps them from being objectively better than warriors is their worse ability to draw agro. Paladin doesn’t need to be less awkward to play it needs to be more. Its a monster in terms of soloing content and relies far less on outside healing and dps output than it should.

Once you understand how to play paladin better and you experience higher level content the class will feel more natural and fun to play


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