Paladin reworking

Im sure I’m not alone when I say the paladin class doesn’t feel right. Wiggling a hammer to do damage, and doing no damage when you’re out of pips, are both bad ideas and really break immersion. Why not have us do more damage with wider swing arcs? This would feel more realistic. Waiting for pips, getting two hits in, then waiting for more pips is simply not fun. Is there any plans to rework paladin class ?


Devs have said a tank/support rebalance is coming soon™, but if I recall right, the rebalance just looks at numbers and broken mechanics - it isn’t going to change the base mechanics of the class :woman_shrugging:

I think Warrior is more overdue for a rework and update to create some kind of dps for those who want a melee dps even though I’m personally against the idea unless they change body blocking attacks.

I personally like paladin, it was the first class I tried in beta and I loved it. First class I leveled after leveling my alpha class mage.

Tanks are meant to take lots of hits and hold attention while staying alive and I believe Pally functions properly for that. The swing of the hammer is really to grab aggro hence why you can swing crazily with a massive weightless hammer bc you never know which mob you’ll have to “wack a mole” next to gain it’s aggro. As far as causing damage goes pally does more than Warrior I believe and I’m pretty sure we have had some pally members out dps lower skilled players before so I wouldn’t say pallys dps is that bad if played properly. Still I wouldn’t argue a rework for a more dps dominant side of pally for they should do both if they do one but first body blocking would have to be fixed.

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Paladin changes on higher lvl content. You get a constant stream of pips as pally when your doing high lvl content because you get hit majorly. I think pally is flawed for low lvl content. But it works well for high lvl content.


Then maybe make it so pip gains are based on the frequency you get hit? So it’s more even across the board? Less frequent but larger pip gain. More frequent but smaller pip gain.

I see flaws with this idea as well. But I don’t know how paladin feels to play on higher levels.

Having a low attack dmg from hitting things doesn’t make to much sense, possibly raising the base dmg would make a lot more sense. Unless the creature is immune to physical attacks it doesn’t make sense that the dmg should be so low without magic backing up that strike

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The paladin does alot of damage already. Also its a tank class so if you are worried about damage you probably should look at a dps class.

Not worried about damage, it just doesn’t make sense realistically

Neither does using magic.
Or Rapidity Ranger.
Or low warrior damage.
Or shaman.
Or coming back from the dead.
Or instant heals.


This is about damage, I see. Thought this was about retaning aggro. Since it is so hard to retain aggro in lower dungeons (for me at least, I could just be bad tank). I was confused by Scott’s post about pips lol

I meant base pip regain on the frequency of enemies attacking you.

Since a tank in this game is based purely on aggro. Not saying tanks can’t ever be damage outputers.

It’s a question about damage vs dps. Since you can wiggle your hammer, they try to reduce the damage output to lower dps.

I can not speak for dps numbers though and will not get into that lol.

The hammer feels like a toy without pips yes. But as a tank class, I’m more concerned about aggro retention.

However, the original idea isn’t bad. I’d add that larger swings also draws more aggro and more pips to combat the wiggling.

Im not concerned about damage here. The issue is combat flow and immersion. The start/stop, start/stop is what needs to change. Waiting for pips is just lame. I’m level 30 now doing shard dungeons, and the flow is still broken up between wiggling hammer, waiting for pips, wiggling hammer.

But the whole combat loop is about learning to juggle your pips, books and aggro right?

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I’m just going to put this bluntly, majority of the playerbase likes or is okay with how the class plays and functions for a tank. As a Tank it does it’s job, holds and gains aggro while able to survive. Damage or DPS is not a requirement for Tank class by any means. Even in real world strategies tanks are used to lead the real force into or through the battle, not all tanks have destructive capabilities. With that said our Pally does a good amount of damage compared to the counter part Warrior. Pally has group buff, slam, and lightning to gain aggro as well as hitting them. They can take loads of damage with end game gear as well as heal themselves. Lastly there is the crit book which allows you to pull off an auto crit attack or crit heal which again benefits damage and surviving.
So In other words since it functions correctly and majority playerbase like or accept it how it is, it most likely won’t change mechanically like you’re looking for. If you’re bored with the class then I recommend switching to another? If you just want the class to change bc you like it but not exactly how it is and wish it was better I still recommend changing classes bc what your looking for simply isn’t going to happen period. Just trust me on this I’m trying to save you the time and effort. It’s easier for you a single player to switch classes and find something more to your liking versus the devs trying to please every single player and make the class to how every single player wants it. Just think about it for 10 seconds, it’s their game not yours.

Have you tried warrior Rashad? The dmg is dependant on swings and combos. Its a constant movement. Sounds like you would prefer it as a tank

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maybe try a dps class then, the tank class isn’t meant to deal damage its to be a tank

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Even in a fantasy setting hitting something with a hammer should do more than it does right now. Idc about damage for pips I just mean for a normal basic attack it should be doing more

and fire balls should burn the tree enemies but it doesn’t because not everything in the game needs to make sence

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In any game, balance is a higher priority than realism. If anything, Paladin damage is higher than it should be :slight_smile:


Orbus VR Reborn Paladin Overview and Feedback - YouTube

Skip to 12 min in this video and he explains the problem perfectly. I disagree with people who seem to think the way it is is sacred and just deal with it or switch classes. I like the idea of paladins - the tankiness, the self healing, and wielding a giant hammer… but there is room for improvement, and that’s what I’m trying to address here. Could there possibly be a BETTER, less halting playstyle for this class? YES… this is what I hope the devs take into consideration.