Patch 10.996- Fall Festival

it would be cool to have the pumpkin head have the cool particle effect like the pumpkin head mobs

disappointed that the goblin not spawning in patch wasn’t with this update

Considering they have to completely rework how spawning works (aka manually place spawn points instead of using an auto spawner), I can understand why it would take some time. You have to remember they’re a small dev team and they’ve already got months of content planned ahead of time, with deadlines to meet. Just be patient, they’ll fix it soon enough. :+1:

Thnx for adding in those extra spawnpoints :+1:


We restarted the server to add some more big skeletons to the Highsteppe zone, and to fix some of the quest description numbers.


Some of my personal feedback on the festival:

I enjoyed the kill quests even if it was a re-skin of previous mobs as some people pointed out, it gave me a reason to leave highsteppe and explore hulthines/lamavora again.

I really like the rewards from the festival. great job on this one (even if the pumpkin head looks a bit derpy but that’s in a good way).

However, I an aspect I didn’t enjoy is that to fully complete the festival you are forced to do 500 brezurple snatcher catches. the 75 for the quest was fun but I don’t enjoy critter capture enough to then grind out 425 more catches with much enjoyment. Next time could it be more split between other aspects of the game, I would rather do some gathering and exploring. The passive mob style snatchers would have been fun to hunt down as a more exploring style quest but instead they are just decoration.

Also a heads up for next time the Snatchers in hulthine’s basin can run off the cliff and either disappear completely or continue running out in the air. This lead to some frustation.

In this photo 3 of them actually spawned roughly center of the screen above the water then ran outwards as shown


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