Patch 3/31/2020-- Highsteppe Tavern


The ranger talent is for 30m though, that is only 21m, it’s the small number you look at for the distance

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is it the small one? Well then, my mistake.

I know there are updates in the pipeline already for the Tavern. I was thinking, since this is a community space, why not put the updates behind a “Defend the Realm”-esque resource gathering lock? The idea being that the community has to “build” the updates on to the building to gain access. Once they’ve been unlocked, everyone can use them.

For instance, have the mini game be behind lock “A” and the instanced room behind a separate lock “B”, etc.

I have no idea what kind of coding goes into that sort of event, so not sure it would ever be feasible, but an idea :upside_down_face:


Where did everyone´s hair go :upside_down_face: :grimacing:


Can you please add extra signage so it’s easier to tell the tavern is there, it’s kinda easy to miss


Yes I plan on getting a proper sign in game, but with moving everything up we didn’t have a ton of time for some of the extra polish stuff to add in game, that’s why it has the bottle and plate sign for now as i just used existing props we already had. I plan on it having a sign similar to the old Lakewood Inn sign once the art team has a free second from working on the Mini Story Pack.


After seeing the training room it really needs to be bigger for rangers to practice 30m and scoundrels to curve. If it stays as is then it wont be getting much use unfortunately.

But the rest of the tavern looked nice and reminded me of some fun times in the old lake tavern doing the brawl nights. Would like to see an event like that again if anyones interested in hosting such a thing :kissing_heart:


I seriously did not see that’s a bottle on first sight lol … thought why would they put a cape sign over the entrance :smile: so ye some other artwork (any) would be good.

an idea to increase traffic, as well as add a dram sink, is maybe to add a bartender or something like that who sells either full potions or some basic potion materials. Something game mechanics wise that would draw otherwise uninterested parties into the tavern.


Selling ruined potions, Ithecac, and once the devs have more time, actual beers


I’m excited to go with a party before a dungeon crawl. However, as it stands, there is no practical reason for players to go to the tavern regularly. I think that adding a bartender that sells any combination of potions, ingredients, Ithecac, etc., as others have mentioned, is a good start. On top of that, I think that adding some sort of food that would give a temporary buff to exp. or loot drops. It doesn’t have to be major, it could be incredibly slight, but it would give a practical reason for players to go to the tavern regularly.

To make tavern actually useful/interesting

  • Remove loading zone
  • Functioning clock that reflects your local time
  • Working door that hangs open (closes after x seconds, has cooldown on closing & opening it to prevent harassment). Maybe a quiet bell prop / SFX when the door is opened.
  • Working windows
  • Tavern music, remove highsteppe sfx inside the tavern.
  • Darker w/ light sources on higher settings
  • Outside voices can’t be heard, quiet near windows, somewhat quiet near the door
  • Shrink the tavern size to be cozier, or atleast use the space in a way that it doesn’t feel void of character.
  • More tables, deco, etc
  • no-collision chairs near tables
  • Player-useable mugs/drinks, spend dram, maybe even small group XP buff
  • Remove daily quests/weeklies, remove world event loot chests, remove world event XP (only get the XP from quests), remove world events tbh, or make them a lot better as they are boring/unchallenging and repetitive and often literally the same thing but a different zone and drown you in xp and items. The grind of preborn with a lack of quests was actually a better system than how spoon-fed levels and items are in reborn.
  • Remove natural spawns for world bosses. Add them as a rotating weekly quest/boss (non-enraged for lesser quest rewards).
  • Add quest-board to tavern, get random daily and weekly quests on the board (although you got much, much, much more to fix with quests/leveling/loot/etc… I admit this is an improvement but the underlying system is not good at all, despite some attempts to improve it(and they have, but it’s not enough))
  • That is, you grab the quest off the board(telekinesis + laser pointer for shorter players) and hand it to an npc to begin accepting the quest. Lack of dram or other requirements and the NPC will give you some dialogue. Maybe sound effects for accepting and being rejected for a quest.
  • Pay me in dram. Maybe the occasional semi-rare tavern item or special quest. People would actually buy dyes/ingredients with dram if we weren’t all drowning in it from loot boxes from events/leveling/dailies. Dyes would be better as craftable, with rare ingredients dropping / being sold (goblin merchant) with some basic dyes available on the vendor. Just put it into alchemy as some already are.
  • You can fail some of the more difficult quests
  • Some have required group sizes to accept, rewards and difficulty to match it
  • Grab quest off the board, turn into NPC to accept, pay a dram fee to accept the quest. Complete quest in X days, hours condition. Can’t hoard quests in mass, do them asap after accepting. It’s an activity. Get your money back upon succeeding + rewards.
    – This means there is risk and players will not only want to seek players out to reduce risk, but to be able to complete the quest. No risk is no fun, it’s basically cheat codes.
  • Completing quest makes NPC place a big ole bag of gold-clanking loot on the table, player grabs it rather than just poof into your inventory. Disconnecting, etc, will automatically deposit the loot to the player’s inventory.
  • Bigger advertisement outside the tavern. Probably even a noobie quest to go there.
  • Player Projectiles can’t be heard or created inside the tavern, can’t be shot into the tavern. Horns cant be blown, etc.
  • Optional purchasable player guild hall location(s), maybe multiple siderooms of varying size
  • Account-shared chest storage in a side-tavern room
  • Random stuff to do to kill time & immersion, like darts with a working scoreboard
    – arm wrestling table (spam a button, perhaps trigger because steam/vive players have an advantage)
    – cards, chess, checkers. (with an easy way to place pieces/reset, don’t need to worry about implementing game rules).
  • Rank up your reputation with the tavern by doing lower level quests, later unlocking higher level quests with better rewards.
  • Limited, aesthetically pleasing, non-competitive(limit max purchases with cooldown/add future timeslot reservations) Dram-paid guild advertisement in the tavern, where (such as templated recruitment posters, or hosted events)
  • raid quests as part of weeklies, perhaps some kind of mini-celebration for completing a hard raid mode quest (think onyxia head, basically). 1 free drink for everyone in the tavern, and reduced drink prices for the next 15 minutes, guild banner flown, etc. Make a neutral “the people” kind of flag for pugs.
  • more but I realize none of this will be added lol

Weekly quest to do normal raid would be awesome!!

maybe even a small chance to get a raid drop with special transmog or something for finishing raid weekly quest? i honestly would love to try raid but getting 10 ppl lvl30+ is quite hard :frowning:

I like that the tavern was added. The only thing that I would change is the fact that it is located in high steppe and not literally anywhere else in the world. Like come on, we already had everything in highsteppe, and now this too?

If there is 1 thing that should be in Highsteppe than it is the tavern. Just like any bar being in the most crowded spot in a city. Obvious choice to attempt to increase socializing in the most crowded area.


I agree with Scott heavily on this. The last tavern never got used because it was accessible only through inconvenience. Something like the tavern should be actually accessible where the playerbase is most present.


it definitely makes the most sense for it to be in highsteppe

I like it in Highsteppe also, it makes it easy to BYOB Ithecac directly from the house…

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