
Is there any way to provide financial support or a Patreon?
The devs said in their in-game interview earlier that they didn’t have an artist and couldn’t afford one. I would give money to the devs to see this game continue but I can’t find anyway to do so.


Currently the best way to support the devs is by buying the items (Cowboy hat, etc) in the in game cash shop.


That’s a shame. Doesn’t steam/oculus take a cut of those sales? I wish the devs would set up a patreon or something so we could better support them, I know I wouldn’t be the only person willing to help out and donate.


True. I’d sign up.
I didn’t think about Steam talking a cut. :cry:


I would love if there was a way to support this game, and I know there’s plenty of others who would do the same.

I would def support them

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