Perfect Casting Works a Little Differently Than I Thought

I noticed that mage was the only class in the game that dealt seemingly random damage every hit. I previously thought that if you perfect cast that the more perfect it was the better damage buff you would get and that it would vary betweeen 10-20%.
I hit a dummy a lot while playing with the limits of what would cast, what would perfect, and just how perfect I could do. I was wearing armor(+4% projectile damage) because it reequipped it for some reason when I equipped the yuckaw branch wand (level 0 beginner wand) but I wasn’t wearing rings and I had no talents beside led a hand.
the lowest I could get: 870
highest that wouldn’t perfect: 955
lowest that would perfect 956
highest I could get: 1078
(956-870)/870 = 9.89%
(1078-870)/870 = 23.91%

I’m only human so the actual max lowest is probably a little lower and highest is probably much higher

so basically no matter if you are perfecting or not your damage smoothly scales based on how close it is to what it is supposed to be. The perfect cast effect doesn’t actually benefit you at all it is simply an audio visual cue that occurs when you have reached the 10% mark. I would assume the max buff is probably at least 25% if not higher.

I have a purely speculative theory about what it is. I have heard and parroted the idea that “the casting system only needs you to be 70% accurate”. I have no idea where this information came from and have no way of personally verifying this but it seems plausible. If this is true than I think it might be that the absolute max buff is actually 30% and that the game just simply gives you a buff equal to how much past 70% you are. Based on this theory it doesn’t seem unreasonable that the best I could do was about 94% accuracy. Again I have generally learned to be extremely skeptical of any information that isn’t directly verified and I recommend you do the same but it makes a lot of sense to me.


That comes from my explanation of how the casting system works in my videos and PDFs. I give 70% as a VERY loose example, but people have forgotten the whole “that’s just an example, I don’t know the actual threshold”.

My theory with the numbers I lost a loooong time ago was:
80% perfection = being able to cast
90% perfection = “perfect” cast.

100%/80% = 25% more dps from weakest to stronest version. Hence you got a 23.91% boost.

Because I don’t have the numbers anymore, I am going to call it a theory. I did remember I was testing on the dummy for atleast an hour.

(And this is where my 20% better from worse to best spell statement came from)

honestly that makes even more sense to me

:open_mouth: no way.

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