So after seeing the pets in the game I figured it would be really cool if the devs built in some sort of pet breeding.
It would work something like this. You could get eggs from vendors or other players however the devs want and these eggs will hatch in time maybe with an incubator at your home. The moment a pet is born it does have a life cycle which only progresses when you are online. These pets will say last 6 hours of in-game time in it’s newborn stage at which point it evolves into a mature pet. Each time it involves it gets say 30% bigger and does additional damage because it’s stronger. In its Old Stage it does its max damage it can do until it’s 6 hours are over and it passes away. 3 stages (Young, Mature, Old) and when it dies, it can lay the same breed of egg.
That’s the basic idea but there is a little more to it. You would feed your pet say every 3 hours or 2x per stage. If your pet was well fed in all 3 stages it has 100% chance to lay the egg, less so if you skipped a feeding.
Furthermore there will be 3 types of skinned pets. The basic, A spotted and a striped. Basic would do the basic dmg when helping combat. Spotted would do a few points more and striped would be the best you can get for dmg, all of which scales evenly as they grow up.
Now you may ask, well how do we get the better eggs like a “Striped Egg”? Simple, this would be controlled by the meat you fed your pet.
Example: let’s say there are three different types of meat and each skinned Pet has a specific favorite, by feeding your pet its favorite meat at least for 2 stages of growth, you would get the next version up, so if plain pets favorite food was lizard meat, by feeding him lizard meat when it says your pet is hungry for at least 2 full stages of growth, when he dies he lays spotted egg/s. The devs could even make it so if you fed the favorite meat for all 3 stages perfectly, you would get 2 of the upgraded eggs.
Another example, say wyrm meat is a favorite of the spotted pet, upon feeding minimum 4 pieces of wyrm meat over its life cycle when it’s hungry, you would get 1 or 2 spotted eggs depending on if the pet was fed correctly/fully.
You can of course feed your pet any meat you want but 4 pieces of its favorite food is required for a single egg, or 6 pieces of its favorite meat for 2 eggs.
I feel like this would be really cool to have some sort of pet system for basic help. Honestly little pet dragons would look the coolest flying over your shoulder. Maybe even a light healing dragon like red ones = attack while green ones = healing.
Healing ones not necessarily needed but could still be cool. What do you guys think?