Petition to remove timers on Dungeons and Save the newer players
We need to save this community, the timer on the dungeons and the new balanced dungeons cause such a toxic new community WE CAN STOP THIS

What does this mean?
“Riley added a timer to the dungeons that makes it so that people wont join each other and when they do everyone gets so angry at each other so that no one wants to play with each other in dungeon.”

The only dungeons with timers are shard dungeons

Since there is a timer on the shard dungeons with the re-balance, people become extremely salty when they fail. because if they do fail then they lose all progress and 1-2 hours of their life

Shard dungeons haven’t changed, the new features only affect normal leveling dungeons.

If you don’t meet a timer you still get a reward. The only difference is the shard goes down a couple levels instead of up. You used to completely lose the shard so that change was really generous. Shard dungeons are also endgame content. They aren’t meant to be easy and if someone in your group gets really upset by it that’s on them. Mechanics wise it’s a clever system that rewards fast clears and good teamwork.

Well this became a issue because now people can only do dungeons for XP because level 20’s steal all the kills

How do level 20 steal kills? I am currently leveling and do not see someone stealing my kills. If you are in a group you also get your kills, just hit the mob one single time. Etc. All level 20s on server can even help you level now, with the new dungeons, easily.

Also who becomes toxic because of shard dungeons, they were always timed. The only issue people get salty about is the rare cases when the server restarts. If you do not finish in time you still get gear and as people tried to explain, a lower shard if you did a higher.

I believe you are a likely a very new player or such, perhaps wait until you actually play shard dungeons and also do more of the normal ones to look into mechanics.

I was only tracking that the first three normal dungeons are level scaled. Shard dungeons are currently level-20-only although some just under 20 may try. The dev blog about shard dungeons states this:

“Shard Dungeons will introduce new mechanics and challenges to the game intended for high-level advanced players. Re-enter all seven dungeons in the game, now scaled up to be more difficult, and with additional twists that should keep you on your toes as you attempt to earn the best loot in the game!”

Although I agree, toxic people are no fun. Shard dungeons are literally for the challenge and the push, though. It’s all the normal dungeons scaled even harder and with mutations. Don’t make time? Still get loot. Make time? Go up a shard. Complete with half time left? Go up two shards.

Now that the first three normal dungeons are level scaled, end content players don’t need to insert a shard to up the dungeon difficulty - and no timer.

A lot of the stuff you’re saying doesn’t make any sense, it would probably help you make your case if you took a bit of time to explain in detail?

  1. Shard dungeons didn’t change at all. (And even if you fail the timer you still get drops if you complete it)

  2. There was no rebalance.

Sorry I was given some misinformation. Thank you everyone for clarifying

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Think he means that level 20’s are killing lower level enemies in the overworld for dram farming because it is easier than to do it in dungeons.

we’ve always been doing that… because the loot at low levels is worth the same as the loot at high levels… mobs at low levels take less time to kill… therefore killing low level mobs is worth more dram/hr than high level mobs.

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