I thought I made a real simple logical point… Here’s 2 examples:
“To be the best at your class and improve as much as possible” - improve as much as possible, sure, that is my goal, being the best - compared with others - nope. I would not even know how to measure or check that, no one got a full overview over all player’s skills in the game (and even then it’s debatable who’s the ‘best’ healer, tank etc.)
“To be the richest/earn lots of dram” - again 2 very different goals mixed up. To earn lotsa dram, sure, I want that, but being the richest, no. That is another goal where I don’t only focus on what I do, but on what others do. And again a goal noone can really aim at, because noone got an overview over dram amounts of players.
I might become the richest automatically, sure, if I focus on earning dram (same like with focusing on the class), but the focus is entirely different. Either I wanna beat others or if I wanna get better no matter what others do or not do. The pure desire to top others has some fully other, imo negative, side-effects. There are those ppl btw who are already satisfied once they are top in a group, for example. And if being top would be the only motivation then it’s logically important to keep others below; which kinda kills a pve-community, helping others to improve, buffs for other classes and so on is all a risk for the self-set goal.
In the dram-example, if I anyone’s goal would really be to be the “richest”, then I would have an interest of others loosing dram; I might even bid against them and so on. If I just want lotsa dram all that is irrelevant, I’m happy for others if they also earn alot.
But this is just a logical issue, several stated by now it’s just perhaps not well-worded or can be interpreted as “as good as you can be”, then it is all not really important, just was stating why I was not ticking those options, though I strongly agree with one half of em.
There are 4, yes. But 2 are geared towards level 20 and you and other demo players will have a hard time doing them unless you get a lucky group, whereas the first two are geared towards level 10.
There is a map I made that has the vast majority of the world’s information in one place ( Reborn Map and Teleport Locations ) and J’s interactive map that has a lot of stuff as well, including added music features and a “gps” system
I think you are think into this too much. “Be the best at your class” should be interpreted as “aspiring” to be the best, so you have the drive to achieve that. That’s why it said “To be the best at your class and improve as much as possible.” It probably should have said To be one of the best/the best at your class to avoid confusion.
Definitely “having a reason to live” in the game is a key factor. It is having an excitement to “live” in Orbus. For that, it is important to have a main quest line that catches us and motivates us to discover what happens and that make us dream of explore new, exotic and mysterious places talking us about them in advance to open our curiosity and desire to go there.
When I think about my perfect Orbus game, I think in fantasy, narrative, a mysterious world, beautiful landscapes and places where to go alone or with friends, an inn and, above all, a clear and main purpose (or few) that involves us into the world.
I’ve got friends here that are so positive and supporting. This game and the players in it help me relax and take me away from a very anxiety-ridden mundane life.
Sparky, Promie, Charlol, Meg, Sinya, Scott… special shoutout to you lot for always being so positive with me. You guys rock.