Player motivation

Hello all,

I have always had this question in the back of my mind and after playing for a while now I would like to see what others have as there reason to log in each day, week, month? It doesn’t matter if you log in everyday or only once every 3 months+

Whats your motivation to play this game/ what keeps you coming back?

(You can choose multiple options)

  • To get to LVL 30
  • To get all classes to LVL 30
  • To complete the lore quests and discover what happened in this fantasy world
  • To beat Shard dungeons (e.g. tier 10 in time or your own goal)
  • To beat the normal mode Raid
  • To beat the hard mode Raid
  • To beat all content
  • To be the best at your class and improve as much as possible
  • To feel like the best, fastest and most powerful hero in this world
  • To get the best gear and stats possible
  • To beat evil bosses and save the world
  • To min/max and beat records
  • To hang out with friends and do dungeons/shards
  • To hang out with friends and do raids
  • To hang out with friends and do missions/LVL up
  • To meet new people/ make new friends
  • To meet new players and help them out
  • To join a fellowship and grow as a team
  • To explore and discover this world
  • To PVP everyone to the ground
0 voters
  • To PVP for fun
  • To be the richest/ earn loads of dram
  • To unlock cool looking gear and weapons
  • To unlock titles and show them off to the world
  • To collect all the transmog styles (unlock all the different armour and looks)
  • To chill out and fish (with or without friends)
  • To collect resources and/or create powerful potions
  • To be the fastest dragon racer
  • Top of a leaderboard (any from the Orbus leaderboards or armoury leaderboards)
  • 100% the game!
  • To take down the world bosses
  • To find hidden secrets, quests and maybe easter eggs
  • To work out and discover tactics to take down bosses
  • To exercise
  • To breed Dragons
  • To do critter capture
  • To use the GRIND device to unlock rare loot and collect rarer materials
  • To see the new content the Devs have added this patch
  • For the unique experience this VRMMO gives (please comment what that is)
  • Other (please let me know as I am curious!)
0 voters

And hopefully if you didn’t know what to do I gave you some ideas :slight_smile:


This is THE QUESTION! :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

great survey! hopefully this will give some insights to the dev team as to what people actually enjoy doing.


you said to give a reason for other so here it is. in orbus I can have adventures and explore ( in old orbus I had areas that I liked more than others but now its I have areas I dislike more than others) but I like to explore and do things in orbus old or new.

I also wanted to add creature capture but the issue is I don’t find it rewarding to do. it feels like a pain to need to waist mission tokens on them for it to be something worth while doing, where as its feels like wondering round highstepp you look around and it feels like “oh there is some animal spawner, I don’t have a quest so no reason to do that”. but I like the feature I just want it to be rewarding not something that gets in the way.


Would be cool if there were rare pet drops from critter capture. Like there is some small chance on each capture that you get a pet of that type.


I have to agree completely, I like to critter capture (at least some of them) but it really doesn’t feel rewarding, unless you have a mission for it, there is no reason, unless you’re going for the achievements, which have no progression bars, so you have no idea how far through them you are, which is like, maybe one day I will unlock this achievement, but god knows how close I am.

For fishing you get 40exp, it’s not a lot, but I managed to finish off a level on my ranger when I spent all of Sunday the other weekend fishing and watching Stranger Things on Netflix, sure 40exp isn’t much, but times that by 500 or so fish and you got something for it, sure, it’s not efficient for leveling, but it is nice to have, if we could get some exp for the cirtters, then we can do it while passing as something to do rather than something to ignore, I’d like to see the same for potion making too tbh


For the unique experience this VRMMO gives comment:

To be able to go out and venture quest and fight with magic! :sparkling_heart: runemage :sparkling_heart: shaman :sparkling_heart:

I critter capture even without quests (I do mostly whatever even without having the quest to do it if I can without). I liked fishing and harvesting in OG more, though, mostly because I felt useful. That I could fish and gather to save potion makers some time / effort, even though I rarely participated in anything that required receiving potions myself (aside from fishing potions) and I liked how my group handled Defend the Realm. A few of us (group mixed by who available that particular week and time) would meet each week and hang out while chatting or listening to an audiobook together fishing (and had guards at the ready for Wilds fishing!) or grinding rotten fingers or whatever resource that week so that we’d have a nice cache in the guild chest to cover anyone that didn’t already have the stock or have the time that week to gather what needed to be submitted. It wasn’t so much the reward of Defending the Realm (helping out NPCs depending on supplies) but helping out other irl people within game to meet that shared community goal, doing our damndest to save the world we loved as much as we could.

Before OG endgame stuff, it was quest buddies! Catching glimpses of other areas clearly very different and hardly being able to wait to have progressed enough to venture over there, or try to ninja sneak anyway! Bar Brawlers in Lakewood Inn, stacking objects (on floor or afk players), fishing on that boat that used to be boardable at the Guild City docks (though it vanished after only a couple months after early access, to memory).

In response to “player motivation,” aside from the other options I chose, I want to say within game “give me a reason to live” (without meaning that so dramatically). But, “give me a reason to live / a purpose in life” for our in game lives. With OG, the set up was so great. Cute little newbs gonna be guardians! (Enter story line and loving everything about zones we traversed). I don’t like making potions (which is fine) so I’ll do what I like to assist others that don’t like gathering and fishing (simple feeling of purpose, but to help other irl people in game, not cause I’m helping an NPC. Idk, it just feels different). It pains me that world and questline are gone, that no new people will experience it. Our home, our world :broken_heart: I like many new things Reborn has to offer, but very much wish it was in addition to OG instead of in replacement of. I know things will get better, but I’m still homesick. Still mourning.

I feel like I’m derailing at this point >.> but OG I’d work 8 hours, come home and play 8 hours, I’d play so long I’d end up sitting in the floor with my visor on my knees until having to accept I needed to log out and sleep. Reborn hasn’t grabbed me like that, two hours at a time is my average (don’t think I’ve gone over 4 consecutive hours / over 4 hours a day even if not consecutive since launch) which is probably better for me anyway, but how to fully and adequately articulate the difference or to prove it isn’t the initial “wooow” factor that wore off over time?


I do get where you’re coming from. When I put as an option ’ to feel like the best, fastest and most powerful hero in this world ’ the OG story line came to mind and I realise now that new players won’t get to experience that. I get there is lore quests in game but its not a big linear story like OG. The current lore quests feel more like side quests to me and I get no motivation to do them ( I’ve only done the fishing lore quests and I’ve been told it’s probably the weakest of all the lore quest lines so maybe I should give it another chance :woman_shrugging: )

Also, defend the realm was great in my opinion. The limited time event that everyone seemed to help towards was fun. I found every time I went to do it some one else was there or would end up joining me to help (at the time I was basically a solo player so it was much appreciated). Hopefully the planned Orbus event on the road map will achieve as much as the defend the realm did :crossed_fingers:


An annotation to “be the fastest, richest etc.” that goal is kinda silly to aim at cause only 1 can be that

  • do I want to get better at my class - yes sure, do I wanna be the ‘best’, nope (and how would I even check that)
  • do I wanna get lots of dram, sure, but be the richest, nope (and how would I even check that)
  • do I wanna progress in leaderboards, sure, but top position, nah, not really my goal
  • guess alot of people also wanna be faster in dragon races, but “fastests”, hm…

As for the unique experience Orbus gives, sometimes I just wanna come on and “be” there, surrounded by a world and roaming in it, for example to farm, clear some mobs, do dailies or an event (fuuu levelscaling tho, I only got couple unscaled spots where I really enjoy that, but well).
It could be more lively, strange enough I like to pass by at npcs like the mining woman, which is not hostile but “doing” something. But I hope more such elements are added.

I don’t think it is a silly motivation for playing. i WANT to be the best at my little thing that I can be the best at whatever that may be. just because you cant doesn’t mean it should not be a motivation for playing.

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You missed my point… I don’t say it’s not possible that you CAN set that goal, but it’s perhaps a motivation for a couple people around that top spot. As for being able to, I am “able” to reach alot of silly goals and achievements like drinking pots but do I aim at that, no, only when i’m extremly bored…

And it’s something entirely different if you wanna be better at your class, improve on a game feature as much as possible or if you are competitive, trying to top others and be “the” best - which means you also will want others to be worse if that’s your goal there’s 2 ways to reach it… while I frankly really don’t care, it’s a group game for me, not pvp or something, the hell I want others to be nerfed, for example, only to shine myself… if that is the focus it is the wrong motivation imho, at least for a pve game.
(A classic example, pvp players complaining ‘their’ runes are showing in armory and could help others; in pve I couldn’t care less if they are, if I found something and it helps others to progress, even better.)

Hence I would separate these two points and not mix em up in one motivation.

PS: The second thing about at least some of the goals is that there’s no method to ever check if you’re really the best. Who knows if some japanese mage is the server-fastest who plays with his team solely and never bothered to upload logs or do the tournament… (which is not even ingame currently). Same with dram there’s no tops for that.

There’s also the motivation of being “the best you can be”, which is a step below just “the best”


When you’re the pioneer or part of the group, and trying to be the best you can be, that’s often how you become the best at something before you know it. Happens a lot when theres something new, having everyone on the same playing field.

Edit: with that same logic, to catch up you need to at least go as hard as “the best” has gone already.

I didn’t go into crazy detail as there’s already 40 options in the poll and each option felt long enough. When I say be the ‘best’ or ‘fastest’ I think you can decide what that means to you rather than anyone else. I could add a disclaimer on each of them saying ‘or the best you can be’. like with the ‘To beat shard dungeons (e.g. tier 10 in time or your own goal)’ most of the options could be to your own goal, I just worded it in the way of being number 1 because its easier to phrase.

I just want more skills besides talents as it gets bored doing same sword skills and talents into day to day basis…

Only runemages have a lot of skill to master unlike any other classes.

Add a class upgrade with alternative

Warrior Class
Quick attacks and 10 hit combos, critical, and more into the dps melee side. dual wielding instead of sword and shield

More tank abilities and shield oriented skills and some shield throwing maybe + spear or sword option.

Paladin Class
More support skills and additional tank skills and they can equip shields + Mace

More hammer throwing, thunder skills and any dps.
They can also may cast some thunder spells with their books

Scoundrel Class Upgrades:
Using automatic rifles/shotguns and grenades/smoke bombs for mid range fighting

long range sniping with handgun for close range

Ranger Class Upgrades
Automatic Crossbows fast attacks + dagger for melee/ this class can focus on dagger usage and crossbow for mid range.

long range arrows + more traps something like that

Bard Class Upgrade
More Damage buffs and buffs like increasing crit.
They will be using a guitar. They can attack using their guitar and cast damge sound spells

Using harp with more on buffs and heals and some magic skills for damaging. Maybe they can sing also :slight_smile:

Musketeer Class Upgrades:
They can dual wield their musket and have special ability like Summoning Cannons or bombardments
something more of dps

More support skills and they have a long musket with knife on the end for close range battless

Shaman Class Upgrades:
They can summon wolves or unearthly creatures and do the killing for them. Lazy Boys hahaha

They cast curses and voodoo things.

Runemage Class Upgrades: (sigh)
More runes to draw with AOE damages now.
Old spells is now easier to draw maybe :c

More runes to draw for Single DPS focus.

If this will happen, people will focus more in one path and i feel like i can travel farther into the world.

Thats just me and hope you can consider thia for future updates :slight_smile:

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Can you give a simple example of what you mean? I still don’t understand what your point was.

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I’m still just playing the demo. I probably won’t buy the game, but if someone were to gift me a game, I’d continue to play it. It’s not worth the price tag in my opinion.

I’d say I’m playing this game because it is trying to be a VR MMO, and it’s doing way better than some VR games that are based on pancake games (Stand Out, I’m looking at you). With that said, it’s difficult to love this game. There are many bugs, many QOL improvements needed (like properly showing me where I need to go), and lots of missing content, based on my demo experience. In the first 10 levels, I’m still in the first zone, and I’m really hoping there’s more than 5 levels (physical levels, not player levels) in this game, but it looks like there’s only 5 levels in this game. I’ve only been out to the Rainforest once and died immediately so I’ve only seen 3 levels total. Also the level cap is 30.

I don’t feel like I’m missing much by just playing the demo.

For one, you’re missing out on any content outside of the Highsteppe zone, realistically, and two dungeons, one raid (two tiers), and endgame shards.

I’m not quite sure what you’re looking for here. Vertical levels, as in height? Or zone differentiation? Either way, the Wastelands and Hulthines Basin do a good job adding vertical levels, while you are correct that there are 5 zones at present (not counting the Battlegrounds, 4 dungeons, the raid, or the Highsteppe city).

This one is unlikely to change. The Devs have repeatedly said their goal is to make it so you have to pay attention and learn the world. There will likely never be a map that points you specifically to where you need to be for every quest, though there are maps available (by J or myself) that can assist you in getting from point A to point B.

I think a few of the issues you mentioned are on the roadmap for this next quarter.

Fair, although the Steam store page says there’s 4 dungeons, end even then, I don’t feel like I’m missing that much.

EDIT: There are 4 Dungeons, my bad.

This is what I was referring to. This seems quite small for an MMO. I am glad they’re not linear, though.

The Dynamic map would be a big improvement. It’s tedious to have to flip through the book anytime I was trying to find a quest.

One quest I had an issue with was the one where you have to get the stolen spices. It mentions a “rope bridge” near an “Essence Portal” but there’s no “Essence Portal” only the “Chaos Portal.” I thought maybe this “Essence Portal” was on another zone or something. I eventually found it after finding the rope bridge.