After the lastest update, the shaman totems have been frequently not spawning orbs, which has led me and my team to die in several situations where we otherwise would not have.
Also as someone who loves using a dynamic play style for shaman, I would also like to see some adjustments to the talents. The point of using most talents on the right side of the talent tree is to increase mobility and speed in combat, however due to several different factors that add up (like the EXTREMELY slow cooldown for totemic call, slow respawn rate of totems, slow summon orb speed, slow initial spawn of orbs, and EXTREMELY slow initial delay after dropping an AOE totem before outputting any damage) I often find I am almost always late to combat or a complete sitting duck.
I have spent many hours working with these conditions to see if I could manage to make it work as I have not had nearly as much fun with any other class or play style as this, but even at my best I always find it to be simply too slow to be effective.
tldr: Please make totems spawn orbs reliably, speed up totemic call cooldown, and make totems start working immediately when dropped
Hi, we appreciate the feedback. Regarding the orbs spawning unreliably, this is something we’ve attempted to fix before and still want to get done, but it has been difficult to find a reliable way to reproduce it 100% of the time. Have you noticed any pattern or gameplay that always causes it to happen for you or is it always random?
Sometimes I’ve thought it was down to other players casting spells or firing weapons because it often seems worse in shards with higher populations.
Although… the other day I switched to a shard which only had 1 player. I dropped 3 totems and none of them spawned orbs. I looked at the amount of players in the shard and there were 3. This made me wonder if it was caused by the 3rd player joining the shard.
One time it was particularly bad in the Flooded Rainforest when I was doing the Obnobi Camp event with 2 other shaman. Maybe it’s related to the amount of Shaman in the shard or maybe it’s a result of mobs (re)spawning. Certainly it does seem to be bad on events like the Obnobi Camp and the Highsteppe defend events where lots of mobs spawn frequently.
Main places I have seem them be unreliable is in larger group content such as raids. It seems at least in my experience that something about groups over 5 cause it to happen significantly more often. Not to say it doesn’t happen in dungeon settings but it just happens at a higher frequency in raids.
The part of shaman that is the most frustrating for me (aside from broken totems, which is of course an ongoing issue) is how long it takes for totems to spawn after switching classes.
I’ll often use different DPS classes at different areas in the dungeons, but while I can switch to Scoundrel and immediately start shooting, it takes a long time for the totems to even spawn for me to drop them, much less start throwing orbs. It gets to the point for lower level dungeons that mobs are already dead by the time I get to throw my first orb.
If you see this happening, and you are playing on PC, please send us your full output log! Pasting the following into your file explorer should bring you right to your logs
I put out some changes to attempt to fix some desync issues like the invisible bug. I found some problems that were pretty core to the game, so it would affect many aspects of the game, and I think including this. But after putting the patch out, there is a new error related to the fix I made that is probably causing this specific to happen more frequently right now. So basically new error, same result for you guys
Any news on this then ?? I really would like to play shaman but this bug is putting me off a little?
it works sometimes but stops at major points, should i just throw new totems down everytime they stop? Its putting people off playing the game for sure! plz plz plz fix
The orbs not spawning is something that the devs and community have both been trying to track down for over a year. It’s not an easy fix because nobody knows what’s causing it.
If a totem isn’t spawning orbs, wait for it to respond and drop it again. It sucks, but at this point in time it’s something that’s just part of the class, like Rangers dealing with stuck Weak Points.
the only pattern I can find is that the stun orb either never does this or almost never does this, my stun totem is on the far right but i dont think the slot has anything to do with it since pretty much everyone else that has stun totem on encounters the same pattern
One thing I’ve noticed is that when summoning orbs to my hand, sometimes they never reach my hand but seem to get stuck on an axis and become un-droppable. This then leads to that totem never spawning another orb. Maybe this is related?
I used to use the right side shaman because I was lazy and just liked the increased mobility etc. It was a pretty big DPS loss not having the ability to crit on dropping a totem & fire orb dot dmg but whatever. NOW, that you can literally shoot 4(+?) orbs out of the lightning totem using the left hand side, there is basically no excuse for going on the right side of the tree. Unless you purely use it for running around the map and climbing to heaven. So yea, right side shaman was already trash and now its even worse than trash comparatively lol. Similarly they wasted time making interesting things like hex totems that can never be used due to how class abilities are currently setup. Nobody is going to drop DPS for a hex totem. Why is there not a realistic way to use a support totem like hex or the defense totem without sacrificing obvious better choices?
semi related to trash talents I still argue this:
Orbus almost made a cool class
If they are not going to remove or heavily alter classes at this point, I’m in strong favor of having prestige classes that require for example a level 20 or 30 shaman & pally to be able to start leveling some not poop class. Shamadins baby.
Following up on this, we’re investigating a new thing and we need some timestamps of this happening repeatedly in a dungeon, could anyone who plays Shaman, after this happened a couple times in a dungeon or raid file an in-game bug report when you’re still in the instance?
It will let us see your name and the timestamp for it so that we can look at the server data for that dungeon run.
Just write something like “shaman orbs breaking in dungeon” or let us know here.
Thank you.