Yes this was posted recently, but it’s closed now and I wanted to add my 2 cents.
Basically the animation of these spells follow your custom wand position, but the hitbox/raycast that determines if you hit follows the default wand position.
Either fix the hitbox/raycast so it lines up with the animation, or make the animation follow default wand position. Both solutions would be acceptable in my book, so long as the animation lines up with where you hit, i don’t really care if it looks a bit wonky.
Since you’re holding an OFFICIAL mage tournament event before the end of orbus, this really should be fixed. I’m currently doing the mage trials with default wand positioning and it really limits how much I can practice at a time, it legit hurts a lot after just half an hour of practice. Getting arcane ray quickly and accurately is crucial to a good score, and that’s not realistic with a custom wand position since the ray does not line up with the hitbox.
If there’s one thing to fix before the end it’d be this, with regards to the fact you are holding an official mage tournament at some point.
bro ik, my point is on the contest the hitbox isnt hitting, i used icelace many times im aware aobut the hitbox, if you read my message you will klnow what i was talking about
He’s agreeing with you. He just wanted to add some more points (and bring it back up to the devs) but couldn’t add to your original post since it was closed.
here im gonna take your post and reformat it to how i like because i dont think its good enough. but i want you to be ok with it. all while making it seem like you didnt explain it correctly.
Not at all what I was thinking dude, I wanted to add to it and emphasise the importance of getting it fixed for the contest they’re supposed to hold, but your post had already been closed so I couldn’t without making a new post.
I’m just hoping at this point, grasping at straws. Hoping that maybe aligning the animation is easier than fixing the hitbox itself or that emphasising the importance of it to the competition would make them look into it, but no, I don’t have high hopes at this point.
I do see your point tho, it was not my intention to try to “explain it better”, I just wanted to add an explanation for anyone who didn’t read your post. I didn’t realize your explanation would be fully readable within my post when I linked it.
Thanks for the information, we have taken a look at the system and believe that we can remove Arcane Ray from the Mage Tournament rotation and replace it with a different spell that wont be effected by the custom angles. We are still working on and testing this, but we will have it worked out hopefully before the next patch on the 11th.
Honestly I like it being part of the tournament, it’s interesting, but if actually fixing the spell is too much, and replacing those dummies with other spells is the only solution, then you probably need an extra dummy making the total amount of dummies 14 instead of 13, otherwise the top scores likely can’t be beat because arcane ray lets you hit 2 at once with no travel time, giving a higher reward than hitting one after another.
A reset of current scores would also work, but be a bit annoying.
If you plan on changing the rotation, I’d like to ask you to add another place to do the tournament. I’ll have to spend hours optimizing the new rotation, and I don’t want to hog the only tournament area. Also, some spells I think would be cool to be added are pushback 2, affliction 2, and arcane explosion. Feel free to ask either Potato or me for our input on the changes if needed.