Predicting what the chaos dimension will look like in the new upcoming dungeons

So with these new dungeons coming out I couldn’t help but over analyze the concept are so I can try to make a theory out of it and I think I have an idea of what the realm will look like in the dungeon!

First thing that I noticed is that all of the enemy’s in the art look almost like octopuses or squids with all there tentacles, giving an aquatic vibe to them. Although this could just be due to the fact that they are from another dimension of course

A second thing I found that also supports the aquatic theme is that the sky looks like the ocean and we are under a sea

Notice how you can see waves and light beaming through as if you were under water

The last thing that I found that supports this theory is the fact that there also seems to be some type of coral in some of the pictures!

That’s all with the ocean stuff but now let’s look at a few little interesting things I found, first is the fact that the world we will be on in Taella Bruha is none other then earth!

As confirmed here.
Secondly they mentioned we will have to go through a portal to get there, this now leaves us to wonder where this portal will be… my prediction is under the lighthouse but where do you think it will be?


Earth is a synonym for dirt so i think it is most likely that the article is literally just talking about the ground.

Though I love the idea of the dungeon being underwater (or seemingly underwater) as you mentioned as it would be very fresh scenery.


thats true haha but its more fun to think its the cannon thing really makes you think its a parallel universe, and everything is just messed up

image on this picture with the flooring there is a ton of what looks to be shells/more coral as well

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