So I purchased a pet on the in-game store a few hours ago and still have not received it, I tried the purchase button again but it doesn’t even load up, when I click on the other items the purchase loads up. I’ve tried restarting the Quest but still nothing. Am I missing something? Please help and thank you
It’s because it doesn’t pop into your inventory automatically, Theres an NPC called “Reward NPC” that you wave to and you’ll receive your item.
Problem for me is, Ever since the new highstepp I haven’t seen the NPC cause i’ve been too busy to look.
But If I can remember, It’s near the player house.
A player showed me this npc yesterday and I did wave and unfortunately she didn’t have anything for me, so I think the game bugged out or something but I was charged.
The reward NPC is near the tavern and the door out of highsteppe iirc.
Try again, If it doesn’t work send an email to the devs asap.
I’m about to go on again in 5 and see if it works, hopefully it does. Thank you for the help.
Just checked the rewards npc again and nothing
Do one last check of the inventory, And if it’s for sure not there, Then I recommend sending in an email.
Sorry to hear that this has happened, It’s not a common glitch. But it does happen sometimes.
No still nothing I’ll send a email and hope it gets sorted out otherwise I just threw money in the water. Thank you for the help though.
Handling via PMs, if anyone else has this issue please PM me and we’ll get you sorted out.