Quick/temporary mute

In rec room, when you put your hand in front of your mouth you get a temporary self-mute. This is very useful in a game where your mic is always open. Please consider adding something like this to orbus.


I would love to have a toggle more accessible than in the options.
Maybe a button combo or something.
So many times a random coughing fit or someone comes in room talking that really takes people out of the game to have to hear.
I love Brandon’s idea above but feel it could happen on accident far too often.


How about Left on the left D pad and right on the right D pad toggles muse (or self config)

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No D pad on the Touch controllers.
We do have the sticks but I think just hitting left on it might happen accidentally far too often still. But perhaps B + Left? or some other combination.
The option to set up would be amazing though since no matter what is put in game not everyone would be happy.
The more customization the better! :+1:

I don’t know if it would happen too often. It works very well in Rec Room and hardly ever triggers accidentally.


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