Rapidity Ranger -- Fellowship Court Bug

As far as I know, Rapidity Ranger has a mechanic such that if you fire “too” fast you’ll get a 1 rather than a damage number. Another ranger mechanic in general is that if you don’t pull far enough back you won’t get a full damage number.

I have a friend who is a brilliant rapidity ranger who noticed something. Specifically when in Fellowship Hall, the amount of 1’s rather than real numbers is almost flipped from doing it any other location. I promise you, he is doing the same actions in both locations.

Here is a video to see that when fighting the same type of dummy in Fellowship Court rather than the tavern.


Fellowship Dummy sample of time between number 1’s showing up:
7 frames (4.3 hits per second)
7 frames (4.3 hits per second)
6 frames (5 hits per second)
7 frames (4.3 hits per second)
6 frames (5 hits per second)
6 frames (5 hits per second)
6 frames (5 hits per second)
7 frames (4.3 hits per second)

Frames between visual arrow trail starts:
8 frames
6 frames
6 frames
8 frames
6 frames

Tavern Dummy sample of time between high numbers showing up:
10 frames (3 hits per second)
9 frames (3.33 hits per second)
11 frames (2.72 hits per second)
12 frames (2.5 hits per second)
7 or 8 frames? (resolution bad) (a hit that did 1 damage for the first time)
7 or 8 frames? (resolution bad) (a hit that did 1 damage for the first time)
8 or 9 frames? (resolution bad)
Resolution too low to know the hit timings for longer, but it seems around 10 frames. Because probably 2 hits later was 20 frames later…

Frames between visual arrow trail starts:
8 frames (note, was moving backwards)
6 frames (note, was moving backwards)
8 frames (stopped moving)
6 frames
8 frames
6 frames
8 frames
7 frames
7 frames
6 frames
6 frames
8 frames

On the Fellowship Dummy the shots were faster then 3.5 hits per second (around 4.3 hits per second) and must be getting “1” numbers. Because 1 numbers should show up on 3.5 arrows per second or more.

On the Tavern Dummy the player shoots maybe more then 3.5 hits per second (around 3 hits per second on the numbers, and 3.5+ with the arrows releasing) and must get higher then “1” number. Which is correct. But not correct at the same time xD. It looks like multiple hits get delayed on the dummy before they finally MAYBE stack on a single “1” number to equalize it.

Note of difference between the two tests that might have made the difference: the test of the Fellowship Dummy stands a lot closer to the dummy then the Tavern Dummy.

There is indeed a bug (feature?), but the FEATURE seems to make a ranger shooting too fast still get normal numbers most of the time, because it delays calculating the numbers. This bug is not happening in the fellowship hall. I don’t think I grabbed enough data to be 100% sure about that conclusion. But it really seems like that being the case.

This happened to me too. I give up using ranger and switch to another class.

Why would this make you give up playing ranger?

It appears to be working in the Overworld and just not in Fellowship Court which doesn’t super matter.

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That is a pretty stupid reason to quit ranger entirely.

Theres also the presision talent which allows you to deal much more damage in a single, timed shot. And i agree with @blueduckyy on this. Theres no real enemy. Only dummies and that non-brained boss in that one room.

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