Reborn Armor Design

I was looking forwards to using transmog to keep some of my previous gear. Specifically it was the huge mage hat around level 6+ shards. I logged in today to see what it looked like and was pretty dissapointed to see it had been downgraded to what looked like a simple beret. The rest of the outfit also looked similarly plain.

While disappointing to me, I understand that is just a design choice. However I wanted to know if anyone had any pictures of what the higher level armor looks like. Getting cool gear was one of those important motivators for me personally.

All of the existing OrbusVR gear is not in the new game yet, so right now you are seeing the most basic gear in the game for those pieces. At some point in the future, we will get that gear in Reborn and it will look pretty similar to how it does now and you will have access to it as a transmog style since you had it when you imported your character.

That said the new upper-level gear in Reborn looks epic as well, and I’ll let folks comment/share on that, but just wanted to point that out.


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