Reborn Patch 10.905

we figured out that if you enter a zone with the deck sheathed then get aggro it causes the bug every time

Wow, that’s unexpected. I was thinking that all the grabbing bugs were tied together but I guess not.

when will the classic orbusvr transmog coming back

Have you guys considered a Trello board or something? It seems like plenty of people are interested in timelines and development priorities and it would be hard to address those questions adhoc over there forums.

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im not a fan of trello board

I did offer to do some backlog management a while ago for some vote up vote down on features etc etc but I guess they have their own internal trello/JIRA other kanban ideas board.

yes sift, spread the word of my awesome ideas

Riley, is there any way that you can incorporate a way for us to use our old tradu shards in Reborn

The grinding device is still invisible on the ranger belt after you throw it out 1 time.

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Is it not just invisible when your bow is out? Because that still hasn’t been fixed

No, once you put the bow away it stays invisible, it’s annoying, also happens on bard if I remember correctly


yup it also happens on

Noted, we’ll get a fix on that when we get a chance.

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Keep forgetting to mention this issue. Seems like I’ve been getting the corrupted menu glitch quite a bit recently. Pretty sure Landru and a few others have as well. Usually we’re in the middle of something and quickly restart to clear it out so I keep resetting my output log unfortunately.


Also still getting honor points from enemies killing non-pvp players while not in PvP

The messed up menu has been happening to me a lot as well.

i also get the messed up menu all the time rofl. Is it a UI pooling problem? it turns the whole texture pack into some form of a sprite atlas and then fs up the pooling?

We’ve been working on tracking down this issue. If you guys know if a reliable way to recreate it that would help us with our testing.

It seems to happen to me after loading in/out of a dungeon (I mostly use the que), on a reawaken after a death and when using the teleporter to go back to the house. But not every time. I know that doesn’t narrow it down much. If I notice any other details/patterns I will let you know.

pretty much always happens a few min after relogging

I loged out and back in, did a public event (highsteppe), open inventory, broke open a chest, hovered over new item and the menu bugged out.