Reborn with the angels! ๐Ÿ˜‚

I teleported home and ended up in what looked like the sky๐Ÿ˜‡. All I could see were buildings in the distance all around and everything was light blue fading to white - reminding me of sky. I could snap turn but could not move left, right, forward or back or teleport. The only way out was to log out. This is the second time this has happened in Reborn. I havenโ€™t logged back in yet.

This happens to me on a regular basis since monday, not every time, but perhaps every 4th or 5th. I usually go to graveyard (after unequipping my gear to not loose durability) which finally let me end up inside the house.

I should have thought of the graveyard button! Iโ€™ll try that if it happens again, if they havenโ€™t fixed it.

Is this always causes by telpeorter? So you donโ€™t have the same issue for example from just entering the player house via the door?

Iโ€™ve had it happen twice when using the teleporter, never had it when using the door

Only when using the teleporter.

Iโ€™ve had it happen once, directly related to using the teleporter (3/28 around 1:30ish CST). The teleporter sound did not stop when the screen went blank, like usual. It restarted itโ€™s sound instead. Wound up in the void, though I could see some of the rooms from the house in the distance. Relogged, and wound up back where I had started (near the lake at the bottom of the waterfall near Highsteppe) but the teleporter had a 25 min cooldown.

The only other time I have been sent to the void, I crashed during a dungeon run (at slime boss), and our group gave up, so I didnโ€™t bother relogging (3/26). When I logged in next (3/28), I was dead and under the world in a different location than when I used the teleporter. Reawaken button worked, but I reappeared with almost zero health and had to wait for it to regenerate.

I have video of both events if it would help.

Thatโ€™s exactly what happened to me when I tried to use the teleport in the โ€œvoidโ€ as you put it. I thought it had malfunctioned so I could use it but the cool down had started which is why I then logged off.

Okay I think we have this solved, let me know if it happens to you again after using the Teleportation Device.

This also happens when you use an invalid teleport like the mountain crest teleport

This happened to me as well. I was in the dungeon when the server reset. Logged back on and was in heaven. Had to graveyard and it spit me back out to the rainforest. Had to graveyard and then walk back to highsteppe because I had pvp on and couldnโ€™t teleport back. Is it possible to not drop reagents so we can cast portals after we die? Or at least leave one in the inventory. I can never seem to get my cookie to work.

That happened to you this morning you mean about 3 hours ago?

I have this same issue but I cannot move at all. I have been stuck in the sky for days. I have been moved back to my house and still just floating in the air. My characters name is Gitine.

If you can open your menu, go to the general settings tab, and choose โ€œgo to graveyardโ€ that should fix the problem, then let us know if it doesnt. Hopefully we have it fixed so it wonโ€™t happen to you again.

I tried moving you back again as well, see if that helped.

Last night at the 10 pm (ish) central server restart.

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