Redundant buttons on oculus and steamVR menu don't work


i’m using the oculus, and here are the redundant controls:

Locomotion + teleport :

Press left stick : teleport
Press right stick : teleport
Press X: teleport
Press A: teleport

Press Y: open menu
Press B: open menu
Press left menu button: open menu

And the steam menu don’t work with Oculus (Left menu button), I wish i could talk with my friends on steam, without having to remove my headset every 5 minutes to answer them or to make screenshots.

On many Oculus other games the steam menu works in addition to the oculus menu.

Sorry, I don’t speak English very well.

I remember reading that this game does not use SteamVR but the oculus SDK directly for rift users. Hence the Steamvr button not working. I could be wrong though

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