[REQUEST] Allow talents to be changed freely outside of combat and outside of dungeons

Some people have an attachment to “not being able to change horizontal customization conveniently”. Games like Ragnarok Online, Tree of Savior, and for a long time WoW - were plagued by the expensive or impossible requirements for resetting horizontal customization.

For people that want to experience multiple playstyles for each class, or simply customize for the situation they are in - being forced to carry expensive reset reagents is counter-intuitive to enjoying the game.

I would therefore like to request that talent changes be allowed to be changed freely outside of combat, and outside of dungeons. I don’t want to get into “gold sinks” as a conversation topic so I won’t address that. Devs are great at coming up with gold sinks anyways.


You mentioned the word “expensive” a few times. I personally feel like the current reset potions in game are not expensive and it’s really easy to reset your talents.

Considering some players (specifically Ranger and Runemage) can have their ability to play severely hampered based on their level 5 talent choices, and that not everyone has as much dram as you - the reset items are prohibitively expensive.

More than anything they discourage experimentation and discourage playing different areas of the game (such as a Musketeer that takes the Poison talent instead of Renew, and therefore isn’t as good for dungeons).

It isn’t a fun thing, or an immersion thing, to be locked into talent choices. I realize that is “subjective”, but understand that player immersion and enjoyment of the game aren’t really affected by being able to freely reallocate talents. If they are, maybe somethings wrong…

While i disagree with Nicholas on the price issue (i feel the potions are currently somewhat aptly priced), i do agree that the current system is not newcomer friendly and as such doesn’t allow for much experimentation early on.

However, i also feel that the current system limits the encounter design, which should embrace different player builds of all classes. I feel the challenge should be in finding the right class and spec choices rather than finding a “one size fits all” or “reset along the way” path.

More on the fly (out of combat) spec options would also allow for more creative talent paths and designs.

If somehow there was more quest direction and by the time you reach level 4 to 5 you get a quest to get a few forgetfulness potions that might do the trick?


It doesn’t accomplish what I’m looking for to be honest. I advocate for being able to always freely change talents (similar to GW2), not some semi-permanent inconvenience for the sake of a gold sink. To have some “forgetfulness potions” given out for free is basically like saying “We want you to be forgiven for choosing the wrong talents as a little lowbie, but after that we’re going to make this work rather than play.”

Doesn’t jive with me.

Honestly man if you can’t make 500 Dram in like 2 hours, you’re not playing the game. Anyone level 5+ can just farm low levels, take their tongues, and break down the gear they get and bam, 300-800 dram in an hour. Just don’t go planning on “testing” it out either, because then it genuinely gets expensive. But seriously, go to Highsteppe, farm every mob there, take their loot, and sell it. Tongues are your best bet, they’re 20d each I believe, same as shards.

I feel like I’m being intentionally misunderstood, so I’m going to rephrase this in the most simple way I can.

I do not enjoy using “talent reset items”, and would like to see them removed. I want talents to be something that can be changed on demand, for free, outside of combat and outside of dungeons.

I don’t care if it costs 1 dram or 10000 dram. I don’t care if the item has 0 weight or 10 weight. There is literally no reason, other than a poor excuse for a gold sync, as to why a system like this should exist in the first place. It is literally something that had to be developed on top of the talent system, not in conjunction with it.

Please remove it.

You aren’t being misunderstood intentionally at all. The quoted statement is what you meant, however originally what you said was literally the 500 dram potions are “prohibitively expensive”. It’s not other people’s fault if you accidentally post the wrong reason for wanting to remove part of the game and they address it.

Talents weren’t meant to be something that could be easily changed on demand, for free, outside of combat, inside of combat, outside of dungeons or inside of dungeons.

What I mean by this is erm…according to the developer blog (https://blog.orbusvr.com/talent-system-preview-ranger-and-warrior/):

“Once you make a choice, it’s locked in unless you visit a special Teacher NPC in town who can reset your choices for a fee. The fee will increase if you switch your choices frequently, but the fee decays over time. So generally speaking, you can choose to be a group-focused Warrior on the weekend, and a solo-focused Warrior during the week, but it would be expensive to swap between the two 2 or 3 times per day.”

But that never quite got implemented. So we got 500 dram potions, which in my opinion is probably less expensive.

You are suppose to sit on the talents, talk to others about it. And choose which one you think is best which matches your play style.

Runemages Lend a hand example is a good one. Most people don’t like this talent, and feel the aiming is off. But unless you put some time into it you wont get use to it. The talents were suppose to change the way the class is played, Rangers got rapidity or slower rhythmic shots, Warriors went from provoke combo to wound combo. All three of these classes take time and dedication to master, and have some talents which are hard to get use to if they are revoked.

I know muskies are out there but that change wasn’t as big as Ranger or Runemage’s. Warriors also depends…

Well, that is not enjoyable. So I will continue saying that I disagree with the devs about the idea of sitting on talents, not being able to freely and easily configure them when I want. It’s outdated thinking, which should have been left back in 2003 where it didn’t belong even then.

I did say “weren’t meant to” in the past tense :wink:

And this is the suggestion thread anyways. However the reasoning that that such restrictions on the talents is one that is antiquated isn’t a very convincing one. And it seems that the developers were trying to avoid the option of “simply customize for the situation [a player is] in”. This however seems more as if it was to maintain the same talents in a dungeon or something.

Much like the restriction of not being able to change classes in the middle of combat. :thinking:
Although I think you would agree that talents shouldn’t be changeable during combat, the question will be if someone can convince you that it should be changed in a dungeon :rofl: But then why would the dev’s make a potion that you can use in the dungeon…:woman_shrugging:

I think the dram sink is annoying as hell too, However, it forces me who are always poor to use current talent to get more dram and thereby get used to it, so in the end, I suport the potions.

Mage= 1500 dram
Ranger= 2000 dram

So far, finally settled my choices, only warrior and musk was clear choices from beginning, lvl’ng as protection/healer.

Yeah; 1 eye worm is around 2 reset potions, the potions are really cheap.

I do think that since these are “talents”, they should not be easily changed. As a person, it is pretty hard to change your own talents. This is, of course, outside of the devs making it to obstruct certain game advantages.

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