Right path mage needs a buff

Why does true affliction not affect affliction?

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It does. The Affliction does more damage per tick but lasts a shorter amount of time. Overall more damage in less time but no weakness.

Edit: that’s if I remember correctly and that is by no means guaranteed lol

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I believe you are correct, although I don’t know for sure about it lasting less time.

You know something they could do to buff true affliction is make it so if you have an affliction debuff on the enemy you deal the normal amount of damage but have the affliction last less time (like it might already do if mishkas right) that way you need to constantly be casting afflictions.

I have to disagree suggesting affliction should last less time. spread mage is all about getting affliction frost fire on a single target then hitting it with 3+ arcane blasts to get the dots to spread onto all other mobs nearby.

It should either stay the same length or last longer to give you more time to get all the dots + spread them all. In old game spread mage was meta and it was really fun to blast all your spells out and see a huge pack of mobs get wiped before they got close enough to kill you. It was OP but what we have now is a nerfed to the ground version that isn’t viable in most cases.

Taking true affliction is currently so bad it will make you do less damage than not taking any talent in most player cases. I would like to see a buff so it does good aoe damage but single target does about same damage as talentless mage.


Do you mean with the dot added it deals the same damage or the fireball deals the same damage and also gives you the dot as added dps?

I thought about it and currently they have it setup that if you do affliction, frost, fire on a boss it will have 3 dots ticking (one for each spell) and then your supposed to use arcane ray to instantly pop them for all the damage.

I would say if your doing that then it will be roughly the same amount of damage as if you had no lvl 20 talent and was doing the normal affliction/fire spam.

If that means fireballs do the same damage or more I don’t know, thats for the devs to work out. They can balance it :wink:

The arcane ray just does increased damage for each dot on the enemy, doesn’t pop the dots or anything.

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there are ways to get insane damage with TA but you need to be a GOD at icelance and putting your wand away right after, but then again same goes for affinity. i agree TA needs a buff, i say either A) let me DoT spread the 3 afflict stacks, or B) give me my 3 fire/frost stacks which is already in the game in a way.

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