Okay, so thank you for recording that video. I think this is a great opportunity to analyze the Runemage casting and hopefully explain a little what’s going on here for everyone.
So, I selected a moment about 1 minute into the video where you had two failed Affliction 2 casts in a row, followed by a success, which I assume is the kind of behavior you are talking about. I took a screenshot from the video at the point right before you submitted the cast, and then I put them side by side so you could see them compared.
As I’ve said previously, the most important thing about Runemage casting is the proportions. You can draw the spell larger or smaller and that’s fine, but your proportions (and therefore things like angles) need to line up. In that image, I have placed a green, red, and yellow line. Those lines are the exact same size in each picture.
I think the most important ‘features’ of this particular rune are the shape of the base and the size and angle of the “cap.” You can see based on the lines that:
In your two failures, the base of your rune is not nearly as square as it is in your success.
In your two failures, the angle of the cap is not 45-degrees, and the cap is much taller.
You can also see some other mistakes such as in the second failure not fully connecting the interior of the rune’s X.
In addition, I took two screenshots from when you had several Affliction 2 failures in a row followed by a success (around 1;40 in I think). I overlaid one of the failures on top of the success in the bottom-right of the image. The runes were drawn at different sizes (the failure large and the success small), so I re-sized them to be the same size (again, since the proportions are what matters), and I overlaid them on top of each other. You can clearly see that they are different.
I did the same thing with two of your successes from two different parts of the video in the bottom-left. Again, I resized them to be the same size. As you can see, although you didn’t draw the rune exactly the same, proportionally it’s extremely close. The size of your cap is the same. The squareness of the base is the same.
Now, we can discuss all day if the Runemage class itself is too punishing, or if it should accept a less-perfect rune and still cast the spell. However, to answer the specific point being raised in this thread, and that has been raised elsewhere, the Runemage spell detection is doing its job here – if you draw the rune the same every time, it works. When you draw it differently, it may fail.
It’s also worth noting that even on your success, you did not get a “success with bonus”, which means that’s still just barely crossing the threshold, so if you deviate from that at all, you are going to fail. My recommendation is that you actually draw that rune a little wider, I think that will help.
Let me know if you have any questions on that.