Rune recognition

Following text were allmost written on another thread (New Player Questions)
But it really felt like it got hijacked and my next post were more suited here:

”Im not saying current system is bad, becoming master of spells do meen finding ways to do things faster and more efficient (cheating the spells), what I do say, is that drawing acording to the book should reward higher dmg/cast.
Naturally I know it probably is impossible to code since it is not coded allready, but anyway, maybe add more of those ”points” you touch while drawing throughout the entire rune, but slightly lower priority to allow shortcuts. (Did that thought even make sense…)

Thinking that shortcuts should allow speed while accuracy allows power, like similar to the difference of rangers lvl.5 talents.”


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There are ‘perfect’ cast. It is when you cast a spell and there is a circle around it and a chime plays. These I believe do increased damage if it is a damage spell. Not sure though and would have to do the numbers to see the %.

These however can also be tricked in shortcuts. Like candy cane frost bolt is easy to make into a perfect cast.

I am deliberatly overlooking what we allready have, and thats due to fact that tecknicly, ”shortcuts” are an exploit in the programming, if they are allowed to stay or gets patched out when possible is up to devs, personally I think they are a sign of developed mages or students of said mages.

So basicly just trying to give suggestion that preserves what we have and develop what was intended and thereby save both :yum:

The thing is what we have is exactly what you are asking for. “Shortcuts” have been publically accepted by the devs and are an intentional part of the system. Thus increasing your speed and finding the limitation that considers a spell a perfect cast while minimizing lines drawn is the goal. You are rewarded for spells being closer to the original spell by increased damage which can really set apart good mages from great mages.

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Aha, did not know they were accepted :grin::+1:

I have been considering them as something that will go away when the coding is getting refined.

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