Runemage Icelance creates delay

Hi, sorry I am new to this so hope I did this right :slight_smile:
I have noticed that there is a delay after hitting with my icelance spell before being able to start drawing the next spell. Of course this is usually when death is looming over me Lol and I am moving fast so its not a long delay but enough to have to stop and start again.

I have only noticed it since the desert and rainforest but then again I wasnt very fast at the spells before that.

yeah i think it’s been part of the game since the begining, might be a design choice, to make it harder to spam it on frozen target (which would be pretty OP ^^ )

Ah that makes sense! Thanks :slight_smile:

I noticed that last night as well.
Friend was casting Frostbolts on a boss and I was close to the boss casting Ice Lances and there’s definitely a full second delay after shooting it and the delay is after the animation of the Ice Lance.

Yup. It’s probably intended but nonetheless disturbs your nice rune drawing flow something cruel. I regularly find myself trying to start the next Ice Lance rune and failing it just because it starts to be actually drawn too late.

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Been reporting this forever. As far as I can tell, it’s because there is a little lingering visual VFX that hang around after you cast it, where it looks like the VFX are done, but then a little wisp reappears briefly. Not sure if it’s a bug or not.

There’s also an issue with the ice lance damage pop-up numbers overlapping so you can’t see exactly how much you are doing.

I’ve also noticed that occasionally ice lancing a frozen enemy will result in damage that looks like it’s against a frozen mob. That one is rare and could just be my client not updating when a freeze has worn off, etc.

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