Runemage Interrupt

Quick question, what Runemage spell can I use to interrupt mobs healing themselves. I saw someone say (on another thread) that each class has its own interrupt. What is the Runemage Interrupt?

For that matter, what are the interrupts on the other classes? (In case I want to switch)

The Mage interrupt is called pushback

Ah right, thanks (also aaargh, im no good at that one, I guess ill have to spend some time learning it)

Something that has helped others is to imagine drawing a 7 on top of a C

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The Paladin interrupt Is his weapon throw, although you need to have charges for it to interrupt i believe.

Runemage - Pushback
Scoundrel - Charged shot
Ranger - Charged shot
Paladin - Thrown charged hammer
Shaman - Stun orb
Musketeer - Gravity orb
Warrior - Shield bash
Bard - Thrown mallet

This is correct

My pushback tips:


You know how notebook paper has horizontal blue lines = and a red vertical line | on the left?
From one blue line to the next, draw a 7. Make sure starting at that top left, but also where you finish at the bottom touches that red line.
For the bottom half, do a backwards c so that the whole spell looks like a 3 with a flat and angular top but a curvy bottom. Make sure each of the 3 left points touches the vertical red line. Drawing in the air, imagine that.

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Make the bottom tip of pushback stick out a bit to the left.

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