Runemage wand inoperable after switching class from Musketeer

This has happened 3 times in the last two days. I haven’t been able to replicate it on purpose.
After switching from Musketeer (levels 11-14) to Runemage (20) my wand does not do anything upon trigger pull. No glowy lines, no ability to cast.

Log out/in fixes the issue.

I’ve noticed a similar bug when changing classes, had to relog to get my wand to function again.

Same issue. I fix it by switching to another class and back to runemage.

I ran into this issue while switching hands with the runemage. I did some more testing around it tonight to see if I was able to reliably recreate the issue when switching classes. I am able to recreate this using the following steps:
Wield the weapon you are using
Open the inventory menu
Sheathe your equipped weapon
Equip the wand
Take out your wand

At that point the wand shouldn’t work. That’s a long way of saying the issue is being tracked, but figured you guys might be curious how to recreate it.

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