Secrets of Mugwood Treasure Hunt Feedback

Hm idk what I expected as loot, but aren’t the accent dyes coming from just killing spiderlings? I got one this way and feel stupid running around 3h to no avail now searching for the treasure, to get… another dye and a blue shard? :smiley:

A “treasure” should look differently and contain something more valuable. How about potions for example like those from the levelup-chest, or 5k dram or such (that is around the price for one potion), as a standard, plus the one or other random glimmering shard…

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Update, got my chest now finally, the map contained a bridge which deffo looked like it was leading over water, however, the “water” was a kind of path and hardly grey-ish, blue-ish either, so I never checked that specific place.

Loot: 3 dyes, 2k dram, 2 major shards - the dram amount was more decent than Ricknesse’s, at least, but I still think it wouldn’t hurt to mix a potion in AND a couple of rare drops like in the grinder chests! It’s only 1 time per day we get a chest and it would make chests more worthwhile to sell and buy in the auction house also if you can possibly get real valuable and unique things outta them.

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I like this idea. Add a few potions to their loot table. Maybe something like super charger or even aged invis that is still useful but that you can’t get from dunegons. The dyes are cool and all and might be valuable to someone. But 500 dram, 2 Runemage reagents and a major shard is has no value. Glimmering shards would be good though.


Do we know for sure yet no chests will drop a rare item just like the grinding device does?

There are multiple rare drops available. We’ll be sure to monitor the drop rates though.

Also investigating the cases where maps have not seemed to drop for people, as getting the map itself should be pretty quick each day.

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Possible quest reward spoilers for people that haven't completed the quests yet

From patch notes, thats what you can get in the DLC, you get 2 mounts, 2 pets during the questline which means there is 4 bits of furniture, 1 mount, 1 pet, 1 helm transmog and 1 dye that seems to be possible unique rewards from treasure hunting

Honestly, hunting this thing was pretty fun. It’d be good if it could also give a valuable (worth the time it takes to find) repeatable consumable reward (i.e. rare potions) so I could do it regularly and have incentive to buy and trade maps on on auction house as well as to become a ‘regular’ treasure hunter.

Transmogs and pets are a one and done type deal. Dyes can be valuable but can be one and done as well if you already have most of your end game armor.

Also, this might already be in, but a ‘Treasure Hunter’ title after finding 3-5 chests would really cool as well.

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I’d love to see multiple stage treasure hunts which get a little harder with each step with increasing good rewards

Are the unique rewards from the treasure hunting tradeable?

I double checked and it looks like we forgot to add the line of text with regards to some of the new achievements that show what the reward is, but 4 of the furniture pieces are from achievements, so you can check the achievement vendor for those.

We’ll have a fix for that shortly.

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Is that a typo? I got 4 pieces of furniture from achievements I think, they look pretty nice and cute :smiley:

Oh, uh yes. Sorry about that. :sweat_smile:

We’re definitely open to revisiting what sort of rewards we hand out, so we appreciate the feedback and are awaiting for more too - for now we’ll take a look at how players feel after they’ve had the chance to play around with them for a while since it’s a daily thing.

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That was my fault I had a typo in the original post, there are 5 furniture pieces you can get, 4 of which come from achievements. Ill edit my original post

Are the rest of the rewards also not tradable? I think this will take away from the repeatability of the treasure maps as you won’t be able to sell the rewards which makes treasure hunting less rewarding overall

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We were actually planning on making them tradeable in today’s patch, it’s going to be a patch tomorrow with fixes.


Thank youuuu!

Could we get Exp added as a reward? I’ve been thinking about what could be added without it becoming worthless like the Spiderling dye currently is due to how common it is, I think Exp rewards would be a good addition to the current reward list, could have like 1,000 exp as standard drop and then rarer drops with higher exp too


You get a lot of Spiderling dye from grinding too. But what I want to do is be able to sell those dyes to the apprentice smith like all other dyes are possible to -_-


The treasure hunting system is quite nice and the only bit wierd issue ive found was a map location where you need to get by jumping through “walls” with no other option to get there…
For now ive been looting just Spiderling dye, major shards, drams, reagants.

Also if you just arrive in Mugwood for the first time and be lucky to get a map early I would really welcome if the maps you get will have some sort of an indicator when your in a wrong location.
First 3 maps ive get were headding into Hallows and I didnt even knew about that place yet so for first 30 minutes i was running around Mugwood feeling a bit “confused”…

Also adding treasure guards will be a great addition to treasure hunting. Youll have to get the map and fight the guardians to be able to open the treasure! Maybe undeads could guard these treasures?!

Even better if we could optain a map in overworld too (maybe with different drops based on location highsteppe, lamavora, etc…)
With much lower drop rate ofc. :wink: