Shaking the musketeer turrent

The turrent has been bothering me along time i have to shake the heck out of it to get it to change. Then sometimes before i throw it up in the air it changes again. Could you ditch the shake and maybe have it use a button. It would be alot easier to switch in battles. The main thing is the shaking to change healing and attack.


I some times have the same problem shaking a controller to what feels like braking point is not good when in the middle of combat is dangerous and a pain. maybe not a button but say shaking it a certain distance would be better like.


Yay Sparky. He knows his stuff guys; take his advise.

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Perhaps even a deliberate turn upside-down like with the compass to change mode before throwing

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Almost sprained my shoulder doing this once LOL

or just switch them in inventory like the shields and orbs and arrows


i have been saying this since beta 1 but if they would change the turret switch to a trigger pull it would make things alot better

i dont think you could switch those in the inventory

i think he is saying to have two different turrets and switch them before battle

I dont like that idea i like bieng able to switch the mode in the middle of battle

i also don’t like that idea but i really think that is need to be switched to a physical button push and not a gesture. It is a really cool idea but it just doesn’t work when you want it to and then works when your not trying to do it.

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This!! It is inconsistent with the amount of shaking! Can we maybe have it a bit more distinct with healing/attacking. Colour change the whole turret. I.E solid red attack, solid green or orange healing.

When you throw it in the air it stays black.

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Why not place a healing orb or a damaging orb in an empty turret.

So the simple fix for this is:

  1. Grab turret
  2. Pull trigger in turret hand
  3. Audio and Visual cue
  4. viola, turret is switched, throwing it no longer switches the turret accidently, everyone is happy,

This works best. Not even just mechanically speaking but it also fits the VR component of the game. It makes sense for a musketeer to have a switch they flip on the turret, simulated by the trigger button.
Turrets also need more visual distinction between which mode they’re in. They look almost identical.

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of course you don’t like it. when have players liked having convenient mechanics removed from them? if we lose access to our orbs from the start and have to go questing for them you’ll hate that too.

reality is musketeer is still far to simple to pick up. needs a layer or two of complexity added to it to make it rewarding to succeed at. (which switching via inventory is not but how convenient can one class get?)

that said the shaking mechanic is horrible, babies have died from less. it’s like were trying to break an invertebrates neck

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I’ve also often noticed that the Turret accidentally switch when you throw him in the air

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Yeah i rarely change the turret coz it’s just too difficult - i only change it when it does the accidental change from throwing it out - and i feel like the tracker ring of the vive controller will snap off from shaking it so vigorously :frowning:

Honestly if they took my orbs away and I had to do a quest for them I wouldn’t mind, except that you would have to give me some sort of abilities from the start or I would just be firing a musket. I agree the musketeer is simple to pick up, but making me open up my inventory and switch out orbs (adding one more thing to the inventory, I’m already caring around 4 sets of armor, all those arrows, orbs, shields etc.) just sounds like a pain in the a**, if you would like to take away the ability to change the turret in combat to add a layer of complexity, fine it wouldn’t really matter that much to me I can plan ahead a little. That being said, I do like being able to switch between a little extra dps and healing on the fly depending on the current situation, and agree the current mechanic sucks, something simple like pulling the trigger to switch modes sounds like a good idea to me. Putting one more thing in my inventory :frowning_face:

i’ve been thinking starting gear should be the healing turret and weakness orb. or the heal over time yellow orb and damage turret.

or the weakness orb yellow HoT and a proper quest for the turret with orb recipes in the world to unlock OR possibly as monster drops from appropriate monster types. ie the runic wargs could drop the instant heal since they use it themselves. this could open the way for orbs with listed stats as well