Show shaman totems when mask is on

There goes xeno complaining again

I main shaman, and I totally support this. The stuff really gets in the way while brewing, fishing, using chests, etc. I can’t see this breaking gameplay in any way, only improving it by removing some of the hastle or having the totems in the way. As for the “issue” with pots disappearing, you don’t need the totems out to attack. They are already in the ground, so putting your mask away really wouldn’t hurt your dps much, especially since you are pausing anyway to drink

Cmon guys, no need to throw shade. I definitely would support this change, and I main shaman.


As much as I support Scott’s point, mine is NOT (only) about potions… not at all. Which you would figure if you’d read and which is why I elaborated on the topic.

Shaman is different from other classes. It is designed, right now, to hide the belt, not weapons, on unsheathe, for a reason.

And I see no need to change this.
For fishing or crafting I switch to classes like scoundrel.
For grabbing things on your belt while totems are out there’s anchors.

I don’t ever wish to have the totems gone. Specially not while farming and mobs jump you left and right. The whole aggro management is different from for ex. rangers. The preparation time to have your weapon available is long enough without having to unsheathe all the time, additionally.

That’s why the price for this change will be real high I think.

Even more IF the weapon-hiding mechanics behaves like the tool-hiding mechanics does right now (broken btw, as written; i unsheathe my mask numerous times in dungeons just to bring potions back up again).

This is all I wrote above already and it hardly is covered by Scotts post which singles out one point, not more. And if you don’t even realize that, writing on numerous other threads you don’t even read posts of others, forum discussions indeed can’t lead anywhere…

But I guess it’s really a matter of seeing it yourself, if such a change ever comes, that is, there’s sure more pressing issues with that class like fixing totem orb spawn, imo.

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PS: As for this point of Jian:

Hm well, the thing is, the endgame mechanics of shaman is all about replacing totems, frequently, right on spawn, to get your lightning crits (talent) and tiles proccing. They are only a real short time on the ground, as short as possible actually. So yes, having them visible on the belt, all the time, is vital for shaman dmg, imo.
(But as written above, pots are really not the main or only problem with this).

Well, if you’re about to die, I doubt you’re worrying about getting that garunteed crit or tileset, and a lot of the time those are on cool down anyway from the last time you threw them out :confused:

Yeahhh it annoys me too, I would love to see that the totems are invisible while the mask isn’t on.


I too run shaman all the time and would support this change!


I fish. A LOT. I’d like to fish as a Shaman (since it has max Strength) so I can see the fish potion indicator and not have to pull my Musket out to continuously check if the potion is still running, but those totems can be annoying. Don’t want to grab totems when I’m trying to grab my pole after switching bait!

Wait can’t you just unequip all totems for that non combat scenario? :thinking:

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I could. Or shaman could act like the other classes where when you don’t have the weapon out, you don’t see the equipment. Like Bard, Ranger, Paladin, Scoundrel.

I just fish as Musket because I don’t like going through the hassle. My loadout includes my fishing rod lol

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Will it not stop showing the health bar when it stops showing the totems though? I have a feeling that the totems object is stuck with the healthbar object in their game. So when they do this change the chance is high the healthbar won’t show either just like the other classes.

Oooh and what about having a shaman mask with a loadout that has like musky orbs on it so you don’t need the hasstle to unequip it :joy: your shaman fishing set.

I’d use the +6 mask for that strength bonus when I’m going for legendary fish.

I mean, it’s not a make or break kinda thing. Just a minor QoL thing I thought I’d chime in on. This is NOT the hill I choose to die on haha

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I think the obvious solution is just to give us back Trimm’s Old Fishing gear! I still have it all :smiley:


No, the bar will show
It’s hard to see anyway
But as you said in the post

This is an excellent idea. My totems are in the way 100% of the time …especially when I fish. More than annoying it is an impediment to an efficient and enjoyable time.

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