Some Endgame and General Ideas

Maybe you can add something like Hero Levels or Champion Levels for Level 20 Players, let us choose some nice bonuses for grinding after Level 20.
Also you can add something like an Endless Tower Mode or a Horde Mode Map, where you must fight endless group of enemies till you die and after that you will get a reward.
Pls let us decorate our Homes with new furniture and maybe you can expand the pet system with Pet leveling, that would be nice.
I would like to see some cosmetic options for gear and character, add facial hair pls.


I like the endless tower idea so you have some pve to grind when you’re solo, don’t know how hard it would be to tune or if each class gets different mechanics and monsters to worry about.

I also like pet battling. The dev said they’re interested in it and if they do it right and add a load of new pets we can have pokémon in VR! I know people will join just to play that aspect!


This is a very true statement. If done right, People will flock to this side activity.

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Endless Tower with random mob groups and increasing difficulties are awesome <3 would live to see something like this. Earn some currency every 10 floors or something to spend it on gear or upgrades or just vanity stuff <3

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