Sometimes casting fireball level 1 whilst drawing fireball level 2

This makes it very suboptimal when doing a frostbolt, fireball rotation as a runemage as sometimes it will cast a level 1 fireball which overall lowers the dps making damage lower and therefore runesets less viable.

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Yeah it was mentioned that they patched this a bit to lessen it happening, but I still notice it quite a bit.

I will take another look at it when I get a chance.


That’s odd. I must be the only one that never gets fireball 1 when casting fireball 2. I always get fireball 2. Sometimes I get arcane ray while casting arcane missiles, but that is about it.

Sometimes I get fireball when I’m trying to cast infliction 2 and that just confuses me

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It happens to me when I draw fireball 2 slightly incorrect, but not too often.

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