Spice up crack alley

Crack alley is my official favorite place in Orbusvr as of the new Highsteppe Makeover update, and i would love to see some more things into it. Some ideas i have are: add some shops into it, maybe some back market player stalls idk; add this as a pvp dueling zone where you dont lose your items; add the broken halls dungeon entrance in here (Thanks @Åsmund T. for this great idea [ Move the dungeon entrances in highsteppe - #5 by Åsmund_T ]); Add a new dungeon and put the entrance in here. The possibilities for this place are endless!


I feel as if its sort of unnecessary as its main purpose is to be a shortcut from player house to fellowship court although I do quite like the idea of an underground criminal organisation under highsteppe that would say support the lich King, other than that I’d say its a bit too small for anything major in there.

maybe they could expand it a bit, i feel like just thinking of it as a “shortcut” is such a waste of potential. Maybe im the only one who feels this way but its just such a cool place it would be a shame not to add anything in it.

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They’ve got the DOOT DOOOT DOOT guy there!


I agree there should be lore there

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can we add a dealer that sells ipecac potions and or other suspicious items in the ally

Please expand on this, you are loreboy after all

a suspicious salesman would be great


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This guy. Best voice acting in the game, hands down.

You have to do something special to see him


Drink ithecac potion to see the guy :upside_down_face:

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Dang thats almost spicy enough for me to forget i ever wanted more in crack alley…BUT NOT ENOUGH

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I think it would be kind of cool if in order to enter Diagon Alley you need to grab a specific brick on the wall and/or use a wand to draw a door outline on the wall which will spawn in a client-side door (so no muggles can get in)


As much as i love this idea (I am an enormous potterhead) I have to be realistic. There are a lot of people who dont play mage and maybe dont even have wands on their players, which makes this unfair, especially for newbies who maybe dont understand mechanics. I don’t think this would be a huge issue, but i have to be unbiased (as much as i dont want to)

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How about a pattern that is with different colored or shapes of bricks? Then you wouldn’t need a specific class to access it.

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