*SPOILER* Do fishing lures change what they catch over time?(Possible Bug)

So ive been fishing for axolotl fish over the past week and at first, i was catching 3 or 4 a lure using just tooth and feather. A few days ago, i seemed to be less fortunate using tooth and feather at the same spot and yielding 1 or 2 per lure if i was lucky. After that i changed my lure to tooth feather and rotten finger and it worked fantastically, yielding up to 6 axolotl per lure. Now today im once again catching 2-3 axolotl fish using the lure that was previously giving me 6 per lure.

So i guess my question is are the lures supposed to change in their effectiveness over time and you have to find new ways to catch them?

Another unrelated question I had is more based on the mechanics of fishing itself. does reeling the bobber in as soon as it hits the water versus letting it float back effect the chance of catching a fish from that cast?


its just down to RNG mostly. you may just need to keep trying till you get one, sorry its not more helpful.

Fyi just use tooth, your wasting the feather. and ya like sparky said rng/luck, get your fishing level up and it seems to somewhat help with there catch %

Fishing level does nothing at the present time. Being level 20 fisher vs a level 1, they both have the same catch rate. It’s all about the lure.

lure effectiveness does not change over time. depending on the lure parts and the different combinations it can increase your chances though (using multiple lure parts vs using one lure part only) but each fish reacts to lure parts differently. so if adding teeth to feathers increases your chances with sunfish then that doesnt mean adding teeth to the lure will help you catch more green bellied bass (these arent real lure combos just examples)

reeling in the bait VS letting it float back is no different chance wise, unless you look at it from the persoective of being able to make more casts faster when reeling entire time.

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I remember my first time experiencing rng

Ok that helps, thanks so much to all of you guys!

If you reeling is the same chance as you letting float?
But the floatball is longer in the see?!

fill like level helps with the likeness of catching something on a real in I get way more fish at level 9 then I did at like 3 and 4 it fills to me.

The number of chances you have to catch a fish is based on the distance you cast the line from the shore, not how long you let it float. The advantage of actively reeling it in is that you will get it back faster which means you can cast again faster. So basically if you just want to relax and let it slowly float back to you, you aren’t missing out on any “value” of the lure, but if you are in a hurry then actively reeling will get you your fish more quickly.


Thanks for confirming this. Lots of bro knowledge on this topic.

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