Sudden Server Issues/Freezing/Crashing

Today, I went to go play, and my game was acting very weird. It kept freezing and taking minutes to load when I entered new zones, and crashed a few times. I also had an error message saying I got disconnected from the server.

I have never previously had any crashes and only minor 5 second freezes when loading a new zone.

I verified integrity of game cache, moved it to a different hard drive, checked my system hardware with stress tests, checked my internet connection, and did a number of things to try to solve this issue. I also have not recently updated any drivers or anything changed from Friday when I last played. Other games are working fine.

The freezing was making it unplayable for me and I had to stop due to it, as well as the queasiness it was giving me.

Anyone else having issues with the game today? I’m thinking it is server related due to very extended loading from zone to zone, as well as the network disconnect error.

You can grab your output log and email it to from one of these two locations based on the headset you are using.

If you downloaded via Steam, it’s located at:

(Steam Library Folder)\steamapps\common\OrbusVR\vrclient_Data\output_log.txt

On Oculus it’s located at:

Program Files\Oculus\Software\Software\orbus-online-llc-orbusvr\vrclient_Data\output_log.txt

You can also gives the steps listed in this post a try and see if they help with your connection issues.

Thanks, I’ll email my output log, and I’ll do the suggested fix you linked to me.

That fix appears to have fixed the problem I was having. Seems like I am getting more lag now though, but only real short loading more frequently. It’s playable this way.

Most likely if you weren’t having problems before, there has been some sort of degradation in the quality of your connection to us. If you are on Wifi, it could just be there is more interference or your router switched over to a different channel that isn’t working as well, for example. Or it could even just be general Internet congestion at your ISP or the path between them and us.

At any rate, the fix you used uses a different type of networking which can be more reliable to get through that type of congestion, but as you noted what will happen is you will get some additional lag instead when before you would have just totally lost packets.

I would think it would clear itself up and only be a temporary issue for you if that’s the case.

I am on a wired connection; so it isn’t my wifi. It could be ISP congestion, but I’ve played the game at various times of day before and on a Friday night where it could be congested worse (Sunday at mid day shouldn’t be too bad), and I never once had any issues.

Is there a way to switch back my networking to the original method in order to test if I am still having the problem? I would love to switch back to the other method if this problem was only temporary, as it was giving me less lag and would be better in the long run.

Yeah just follow the directions like before but where you typed in “-connectws” instead just leave the box blank, and it will turn it off. You can switch back and forth as often as you want, you just have to totally exit and re-open the game after you change the option.

Okay thanks for the help! I’ll try out the old method after work and see if it was a temporary problem.

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