Suggestion - Gladiator Arena

add a new Marathon mode where you sit in an arena and a random / progressively harder boss steps out of challenger doors and you kill the boss then the next boss is a +1 boss from a different dungeon.

Until every boss is +15 and chest drops after each boss. (Throw in some OG bosses as ‘rare drops’ to fight randomly )

Have raid bosses start popping in ?
Might be fun … might be too hard ,
Who knows.

Sometimes it just will que you against another arena party and you have to pvp to gain your chest … that would be fun. (Just make this a designated pvp mode too … have us load into a random boss room and have to fight it out ala WoW Arenas )

Or … have the other players reskined to look like mobs but we have seeded the model with our character and fight them ala mirror knight or … Monk? From soulsborne series. And dont tell us we are actually fighting other players … both sides just sees mobs. That would make their AI seem much better but we are just killing each other :slight_smile:


i like this first part, however, i do think it should only drop chest after every 5 bosses and if you all die you have to requeue.

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Why 5 bosses ?
Most dungeons are 2 bosses.

O and I change my mind deposit goods directly in inventory , chests are buggy and dont like proxy users (sometimes they just dont spawn at all and you loose contents)

sure and a bunch of mobs etc… 5 bosses between chests is to balance out the rewards, otherwise there would be no point to doing dungeons if you could skip all the mobs and get more rewards in less time

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This is true … it probably would kill dungeons …
Then I say this have an 'arena medallion ’ you place on your belt and it works like the grinder but you dont need to drop it
(devs please change grinder to work on your belt)

And it counts up 1 every boss you do in the arena and gives you the loot at 5 …

Actually … no I dont like that people would just farm first 5 over and over … maybe the medallion turns from bronze(+1-5) to silver(+5-10) to gold (+10-15) and drops according gear and if you cant get that level drop you could get a new medallion and store the others / wear as a status symbol.

Think this may be making it too complicated … but give anyone who beat 5 bosses at +15 a laurel wreath crown(or mount) or something.

I was thinking of a way to prevent a group flaking to not make it a complete waste for all parties example , raids have tokens after each fight so at least it wasnt worthless if you break apart.

Maybe have coins in addition to loot drops every 5 and the coins can be used for arena transmogs … idk … what do you think ?

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