Suggestion - ring fragments from broken world boss capes

Idea that’s been tossed around world boss events.

Have world boss capes break down into ‘ring fragments’ use 10 fragments from each boss to forge a ring of your choice.
So 30 fragments total
from 30 useless capes (10+10+10)
turned into the ring you have been trying for.
I think that’s fair.

It means you will only have to kill these guys a max of … 120 times to get your desired rings.

Bring the fragments to the blacksmith and she hammers them into a ring for you.



If there is a change ± 10% for a ring drop then 30 capes is quite a lot…

I would just change it from “ring of your choice” to ring based on cape fragment ofc with random affix.
Lets say your doing Scav World Boss and get 1 minor fragment per cape (75%/100% change to get a fragment from cape) - 5 minor Scav fragments = 1 major Scav fragment

3 major Scav fragments = 1 Scav ring

These fragments could be a a fine Auction item for people who farm them for certain affixes

Anyway nice idea to make these capes worth!


This would be wonderful, have been farming for my second Scav ring for a loooooong time (around year now… I think, lol), while the Tresus rings drop for me like candy. :joy_cat:


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