Suggestions based on my first 30 hours

Hi all, first time post here but I’m enjoying the game so much after 30 hours that I wanted to throw my ideas in that I haven’t seen posted here already.

  1. Give some sort of audio visual feedback once the super bar is full. it can be quite difficult to notice when you’re waving your weapon around like a lunatic in combat.

  2. Allow rangers to drink potions with their arrow hand. Currently rangers (as far as I know) are the only class that cannot chug while having their weapons drawn. I think this may be due to the special arrows using the same attachment points as the chest slots so this may not be easy to alter.

  3. Add some sense of discovery for the other classes. Playing around with runemage is so incredibly fun because of the adventure of finding new runes or being taught them by other players. That social interaction is one of the things that made me fall in love with the game. It would be nice if the other classes could get in on that e.g. having combo trainers for warriors scattered around cities.

Thank you all for reading and let me know your thoughts.


You know what, actually, some sort of flash to the bar, or a shine, or a hum would be nice. Not something obnoxious that would bug you when your holding onto it for specific reasons, but a little something to show its full and ready


I agree. It can be difficult to notice or remember when waving your weapons around mid combat.

Full support of suggestion 1; as a warrior you just don’t notice. Similar support for 3. Warrior in particular lacks variety.


@Valway I was thinking about something that’s initially obvious like a small flash of light from the weapon once it’s charged but then something more subtle to show you that it’s full as opposed to almost full.

Yeah! Along with that have somewhere in the tutorials something about this super. In the first hours of OrbusVR didn’t even know there were such things as it.

A chime with a bright shine that last for 5 seconds, then after this it could do some slight and unobtrusive pulsing.

As for the third suggestion, I think that could be done by adding new arrows, adding the ability to add new/different effects to traps, bow augments (farther draw, sights). In the case of the warrior augments to shield, different horns with certain buffs, different classes of physical weapons (whips, spears, maces) or just different schools of melee gameplay with different combo’s.

A big problem with things like this is trying to strike a balance and not having one type of combat style being more advantageous than another and causing it to not be used.

  1. Add an in game mail system. I want to be able to send people dram or tradeables without having to meet up in person.

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